The solution ( if this is what you want ). This will make your subcategory titles in the subcategory block, links, if you're using the default template in your site. ( I'm still using version 701 btw - not the current 806 upgrade, but it may be the same ) 1. GO TO YOUR SITE VIA FTP, MAKE A BACKUP OF in case something goes wrong. 2. AROUND LINE 71 ( I USE THE FREE NOTEPAD++ EDITOR ), IN CATEGORY.PHP AND UNDER '<---Subcategory title-->' , YOU SHOULD SEE

name;?> params->get('subCatTitleItemCounter')) echo '('.$subCategory->numOfItems.')';?>


name;?> params->get('subCatTitleItemCounter')) echo '('.$subCategory->numOfItems.')';?>

IMPORTANT :( the above code should be all in one line, not like here above in this notepad txt file format as 3 lines ) IF YOU WANT TO THEN CHANGE THE FONT SIZE OF THE TITLES, YOU HAVE TO GO TO AND LOOK FOR AROUND LINE 331 div.itemListCategoryBlock h2.itemListCategoryTitle a {font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;font-size:20px;} AND CHANGE THE 'font-size:20px' TO WHATEVER FONT-SIZE YOU WANT. IT WORKED FOR ME, AND I'M JUST A CUT AND PASTER, BUT MAKE BACKUPS OF ANY FILES YOU CUSTOMISE, FIRST, ALWAYS. HOPE IT WORKS FOR YOU, P