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  • Hardkiffeur
  • Hardkiffeur's Avatar
08 Aug 2012 15:38 - 08 Aug 2012 15:50
Replied by Hardkiffeur on topic plugin Load Csv datas

plugin Load Csv datas

Category: English K2 Community

Day's return,
Install plugin's without error, but seems php (ok with real value : plugins/k2/loadcsv/csv/test.csv) work on the K2Template override Item.php but issue with the output and if &mycsvfile empty
here the loadcsv.xml file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <install version="1.5" type="plugin" group="k2" method="upgrade"> <name>LoadCSV K2 Plugin</name> <author>HardKiffeur</author> <creationDate>3 Aout, 2012</creationDate> <copyright>Copyright (c) 2012 hardkiffeur. All rights reserved.</copyright> <authorEmail>[email protected]</authorEmail> <authorUrl></authorUrl> <version>1</version> <license> GNU/GPL</license> <description>An K2 plugin to extend item, category forms in K2 with a CSV loading for Table outputing in front into item page, with data.</description> <files> <filename plugin="loadcsv">loadcsv.php</filename> <folder>csv</folder> </files> <!-- Standard plugin parameters for Joomla! 1.5 --> <params> <param name="mycsvfolder" type="folderlist" default="plugins/k2/loadcsv/csv" label="Select a csv folder" description="" directory="plugins/k2/loadcsv/csv" filter="" exclude="" stripext="" /> </params> <!-- Standard plugin parameters for Joomla! 1.6+ --> <config> <fields name="params"> <fieldset name="basic"> <field name="mycsvfolder" type="folderlist" default="plugins/k2/loadcsv/csv" label="Select a csv folder" description="" directory="plugins/k2/loadcsv/csv" filter="" exclude="" stripext="" /> </fieldset> </fields> </config> <!-- K2 plugin parameters which extend K2 backend forms are defined here. We use the same syntax as Joomla! 1.5 only, yet they are compatible with Joomla! 1.7 as well. These parameters are parsed by K2 only and we decided to just make things easier for developers, instead of opting for double parameters in 'params' and 'fields' blocks. --> <params group="item-content"> <param name="mycsvfile" type="filelist" default="test.csv" label="Select a csv file" description="" directory="plugins/k2/loadcsv/csv/" filter="" exclude="" stripext="" /> </params> </install>
here the loadcsv.php
<?php /** * @version 1 * @package csv loader (K2 plugin) * @author Hardkiffeur * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Hardkiffeur. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL license: */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die ('Restricted access'); /** * Load a csv K2 Plugin, to render a tabla from csv entered in backend K2 forms to table full of data information in the frontend. */ // Load the K2 Plugin API JLoader::register('K2Plugin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_k2'.DS.'lib'.DS.'k2plugin.php'); // Initiate class to hold plugin events class plgK2loadcsv extends K2Plugin { // Some params var $pluginName = 'loadcsv'; var $pluginNameHumanReadable = 'Load CSV data K2 Plugin'; function plgK2loadcsv( & $subject, $params) { parent::__construct($subject, $params); } /** * Below we list all available FRONTEND events, to trigger K2 plugins. * Watch the different prefix "onK2" instead of just "on" as used in Joomla! already. * Most functions are empty to showcase what is available to trigger and output. A few are used to actually output some code for example reasons. */ function onK2PrepareContent( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); //$item->text = 'It works! '.$item->text; } function onK2AfterDisplay( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } function onK2BeforeDisplay( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } function onK2AfterDisplayTitle( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } function onK2BeforeDisplayContent( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } // Event to display (in the frontend) the YouTube URL as entered in the item form function onK2AfterDisplayContent( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); // Get the K2 plugin params (the stuff you see when you edit the plugin in the plugin manager) $plugin = &JPluginHelper::getPlugin('k2', $this->pluginName); $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params); // Get the output of the K2 plugin fields (the data entered by your site maintainers) $plugins = new K2Parameter($item->plugins, '', $this->pluginName); $mycsvname = $plugins->get('mycsvfile_item'); // Check if we have a value entered if ( empty($mycsvfile)) return; // Output $output = ' <?php echo "<table>\n"; $row = 0; $handle = fopen("'.$mycsvfile.'", "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { if ($row == 0) { // this is the first line of the csv file // it usually contains titles of columns $num = count($data); echo "<thead>\n<tr>"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { echo "<th>" . $data[$c] . "</th>"; } echo "</tr>\n</thead>\n\n<tbody>"; } else { // this handles the rest of the lines of the csv file $num = count($data); echo "<tr>"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { echo "<td>" . $data[$c] . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } } fclose($handle); echo "</tbody>\n</table>"; ?> '; return $output; } } // END CLASS

For me the issue is due to a not reall good match of the :
mycsvfolder & mycsvfile and the php code. I couldn't find at this moment how solve
Good to have a default folder under Plugin's Manager and have a unique file under the item's form

Any help could be very nice.
I attach the plugins Zip file too if someone want to investigate with me....
  • Hardkiffeur
  • Hardkiffeur's Avatar
07 Aug 2012 23:20
plugin Load Csv datas was created by Hardkiffeur

plugin Load Csv datas

Category: English K2 Community

I looking for loading some data from a Csv file browsh from backend Edit Item and rendering this on AfterItemDisplayContent with this code below Jfolder don't get the File's folder :
Loadcsv.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <install version="1.5" type="plugin" group="k2" method="upgrade"> <name>LoadCSV K2 Plugin</name> <author>HardKiffeur</author> <creationDate>3 Aout, 2012</creationDate> <copyright>Copyright (c) 2012 hardkiffeur. All rights reserved.</copyright> <authorEmail>[email protected]</authorEmail> <authorUrl></authorUrl> <version>1</version> <license> GNU/GPL</license> <description>An K2 plugin to extend item, category forms in K2 with a CSV loading for Table outputing in front into item with data.</description> <files> <filename plugin="loadcsv">loadcsv.php</filename> </files> <!-- Standard plugin parameters for Joomla! 1.5 --> <params> <param name="mycsvfile" type="filelist" default="" label="Select a csv file" description="" directory="csv" filter="" exclude="" stripext="" /> </params> <!-- Standard plugin parameters for Joomla! 1.6+ --> <config> <fields name="params"> <fieldset name="basic"> <field name="mycsvfile" type="filelist" default="" label="Select a csv file" description="" directory="csv" filter="" exclude="" stripext="" /> </fieldset> </fields> </config> <!-- K2 plugin parameters which extend K2 backend forms are defined here. We use the same syntax as Joomla! 1.5 only, yet they are compatible with Joomla! 1.7 as well. These parameters are parsed by K2 only and we decided to just make things easier for developers, instead of opting for double parameters in 'params' and 'fields' blocks. --> <params group="item-content"> <param name="mycsvfile" type="filelist" default="" label="Select a csv file" description="" directory="csv" filter="" exclude="" stripext="" /> </params> </install>
I try to add this, butplugin don't install (even if I've this csv folder in my zip plugin's architecture folder
<files> <folder>csv</folder> </files>

here the load.php code (even if the fisrt step find the csv file's information don't work)
 <?php /** * @version 1 * @package csv loader (K2 plugin) * @author Hardkiffeur * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Hardkiffeur. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL license: */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die ('Restricted access'); /** * Load a csv K2 Plugin, to render a tabla from csv entered in backend K2 forms to table full of data information in the frontend. */ // Load the K2 Plugin API JLoader::register('K2Plugin', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_k2'.DS.'lib'.DS.'k2plugin.php'); // Initiate class to hold plugin events class plgK2Loadcsv extends K2Plugin { // Some params var $pluginName = 'LoadCSV'; var $pluginNameHumanReadable = 'Load CSV data K2 Plugin'; function plgK2Loadcsv( & $subject, $params) { parent::__construct($subject, $params); } /** * Below we list all available FRONTEND events, to trigger K2 plugins. * Watch the different prefix "onK2" instead of just "on" as used in Joomla! already. * Most functions are empty to showcase what is available to trigger and output. A few are used to actually output some code for example reasons. */ function onK2PrepareContent( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); //$item->text = 'It works! '.$item->text; } function onK2AfterDisplay( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } function onK2BeforeDisplay( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } function onK2AfterDisplayTitle( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } function onK2BeforeDisplayContent( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); return ''; } // Event to display (in the frontend) the YouTube URL as entered in the item form function onK2AfterDisplayContent( &$item, &$params, $limitstart) { $mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication(); // Get the K2 plugin params (the stuff you see when you edit the plugin in the plugin manager) $plugin = &JPluginHelper::getPlugin('k2', $this->pluginName); $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params); // Get the output of the K2 plugin fields (the data entered by your site maintainers) $plugins = new K2Parameter($item->plugins, '', $this->pluginName); $mycsvfile = $plugins->get('mycsvfile_item'); // Check if we have a value entered if ( empty($mcsvfile)) return; // Output $output = ' <?php echo "<table>\n"; $row = 0; $handle = fopen("$mycsvfile", "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { if ($row == 0) { // this is the first line of the csv file // it usually contains titles of columns $num = count($data); echo "<thead>\n<tr>"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { echo "<th>" . $data[$c] . "</th>"; } echo "</tr>\n</thead>\n\n<tbody>"; } else { // this handles the rest of the lines of the csv file $num = count($data); echo "<tr>"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { echo "<td>" . $data[$c] . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } } fclose($handle); echo "</tbody>\n</table>"; ?> '; return $output; } } // END CLASS

Any idea the right rules for select Folder by plugins and so broswche csv files available fron ItemForm ?
Thanks for the time ...
  • citydan
  • citydan's Avatar
06 Jul 2012 20:10 - 06 Jul 2012 20:10
K2 Items Not Showing In Front End was created by citydan

K2 Items Not Showing In Front End

Category: English K2 Community

I have installed K2, created categories, sub categories, tags, fields, field groups and sample items.

I have created menu items for K2 category view, K2 tag view and K2 Item view, but can not see any K2 content in the front-end of the site.

I have also created a joomla article and can't get it to show either. I've never seen this before and this is my 15th joomla site.

I don't get any errors, just blank pages. I can see all my content as expected in the back-end.

Caching is off.

I thought it might be a timezone problem, so I changed the created and published dates of my items and an article to 3 days ago, but it didn't help.

All K2 plugins are published.

I'm using Joomla 2.5.6
K2 v2.5.7
Web Server Apache
PHP version 5.2.17
MySQL version 5.0.92-log
Memory limit 128M

Any ideas on what else to check?
  • Mike Ellis
  • Mike Ellis's Avatar
02 Jul 2012 17:26
Save button not working in Admin panels was created by Mike Ellis

Save button not working in Admin panels

Category: English K2 Community

I have created a fresh new version of XAMPP 1.7.7 on windows. On that I have installed the latest stable version of Joomla 2.5.6. All seemed to go well.

I then installed K2 v2.5.7 and it seemed to go fine.

No other extensions have been installed on this fresh copy of Joomla.

However when I try to create a new Catagory item in K2, the "save" button does not work. No error messages are given. Just nothing.

I have found the following post
I have checked the setting "extension=php_mbstring.dll" in my php.ini but this seems to be set correctly.

I welcome any ideas what might be causing this problem?.
  • Lee Coursey
  • Lee Coursey's Avatar
26 Jun 2012 13:48
Replied by Lee Coursey on topic URL Rewrites for Categories - suffixes and lack of

URL Rewrites for Categories - suffixes and lack of

Category: English K2 Community

I am using sh404sef as stated above. It is the latest version available on their site that is not BETA.

I have checked the setting for the SEF (and, truthfully, have succcessfully used this extension with 20+ sites before, just not with K2 before) and did not find anything specific to K2. I know it works, but I don't know how to fix the issue.
  • Dehyd Rated-Water
  • Dehyd Rated-Water's Avatar
14 Jun 2012 11:44 - 14 Jun 2012 11:46
Changing Download attachments text and link name was created by Dehyd Rated-Water

Changing Download attachments text and link name

Category: English K2 Community


I'm trying to rename the "Download attachment" and change the filename next to it.

1. I renamed the "Download attachments" in en-GB.com_k2.ini and uploaded it in language/en-GB/ folder, but nothing happened. So I deleted the .ini file and refreshed my FFire (without the en-GB.com_k2.ini present), but still nothing. I rechecked the local version of the file and uploaded it to server, flushed the cache and refreshed the FF. Nothing.

Am I missing something? Is the text changed in another file?

2. How and where do I set the k2 system to show only the title of the linked file, not it's filename?

  • Manoj Goel
  • Manoj Goel's Avatar
05 Jun 2012 08:13

[SOLVED] IntroText words limit not working while selecting

Category: English K2 Community

IntroText words limit not working while selecting multiple categories for Home Page

I have a Articles directory built on Joomla 1.5 and K2 2.5.0 that I am redesigning on Joomla 2.5.4 and K2 2.5.7, but facing following problem:
I have lots of categories at level1 and level2. All these categories inherit the parameters from 1 category at level1. These categories have their respective menus. Category view of individual categories is working fine. It is showing their respective items/articles list with Introtext as par my specified words limit.
Check here:
It is showing items/articles as I want.
But for Home page I have selected multiple categories to display all items/articles under these selected categories with Introtext and my specified word limit in categories parameter. But it is not showing the result as expected.
It is displaying all articles with whole text(full articles). It is not limiting the Introtext as set in parameters.
Check Here:
But my older site on Joomla 1.5 with same setting is working fine (it should look like this one)
Check Here:
Same is the problem with Author pages
Check Here:
But working fine on my older site
Check Here:
I don’t understand why Introtext words limit is not working while selecting multiple categories or on Author pages, may be some PHP code error in latest version.
Is there anybody else who is also facing the same problem?
Other Info:
Server PHP: 5.3.8
Using Single Editor Window as Introtext and FullText.

Any Help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Manoj Goel
  • Xavier Gougeon
  • Xavier Gougeon's Avatar
23 May 2012 13:18
wrong image size generation was created by Xavier Gougeon

wrong image size generation

Category: English K2 Community

i'm using K2 with joomla 1.7.
since a few days, when I add an image to an item, the XS version of the image (that I use to show item lists) is created with 10px wide... when it should be generated at 100px according to the parameters of K2. I've also checked the category parameter; it's also set to 100px... I don't understand.

Can anyone help ?

On the image you can see
- item 1 wrong (10px wide),
- item 2 ok (no image added to this item)
- item 3 ok (100px wide)
  • Woerdekom Webdesign
  • Woerdekom Webdesign's Avatar
07 May 2012 22:03
No images show in frontend, jquery issue? was created by Woerdekom Webdesign

No images show in frontend, jquery issue?

Category: Simple Image Gallery PRO

I bought and installed Simple Image Gallery PRO. No image are show at the frontend, images are present in the backend.
I also bought another image slider from K2, also no images show. Looks like a common issue. Looks like the template is loading its own jquery lib and also SIGPro (and the one from K2 also)

You say in documentation: "Simple Image Gallery PRO utilizes 9 popup engines for ultimate style and compatibility with various frameworks. Included are 2 engines supporting "slideshow" mode and our brand new popup engine SimpleBox (also available to download for free). Proper checks will make sure that Mootools or jQuery are not loaded multiple times. Popup engines utilizing jQuery will download the latest library version minified from the "Google AJAX Libraries API" service, which means faster load times for your website and your gallery.

Looks like a conflict in the jquery loading. How can i fix this???

  • Davor
  • Davor's Avatar
24 Apr 2012 10:17 - 24 Apr 2012 10:19

In cat.listing strange number appear PICS included

Category: English K2 Community

hi, I installed K2 (2.5.6) and Ionosphere template (licenced, latest version) from rocketthemes. But in category listings and in article item some strange thing appear. Number "1". And what it that "Plugins: AfterDisplayTitle". Check out pictures with code highlighted and if somebody knows what is it please help me or if someone can refer me to solve this bug.
English is not my native language so I didn't have luck with google results, don't know how to search this bug. Thnx
  • Aaron
  • Aaron's Avatar
14 Apr 2012 11:19
Replied by Aaron on topic [SOLVED] Local file doesn't exist

[SOLVED] Local file doesn't exist

Category: English K2 Community

Sigh... I am writing this in hopes of maybe helping myself and others...

Current versions: Joomla 2.5.4 and K2 2.5.6


I had it working on my development site but when I started putting everything on staging, it stopped working.

and... just checked my DEV site.. now I am getting the SAME error.. I am SO puzzled...

Even though the file is attached in both the front end and the admin end... it will NOT let me download it. Both give an error that file does not exist.

So... without ANY changes to the DEV site, it all breaks...

On staging, I checked/fixed the joomla database and reinstalled K2 over the current install.

Now... I can attach a jpg and I can download it from the admin end but the front end still gives me the error.

When I try:
JPG: downloads from the backend, not the front end
ZIP: downloads from the backend, not the front end
MP3: Shows up in the list but all columns are blank. Does not show in the front end as an attachment. The strange thing about the mp3s are that when I attach them from the server, they disappear entirely from the attachment folder.

My site is supposed to go live on May4th and this is a key element.. any advice would be greatly appreciated...

Some more background information:
Media manager:
1. I have added mp3 to legal file extensions
2. Changed path to files folder to media
3. Even added mp3 to the legal image extensions

K2 Media manager:
1. Change root attachments folder: media/k2/attachments
  • Julio Zuverza
  • Julio Zuverza's Avatar
22 Mar 2012 16:23 - 26 Mar 2012 15:59
Replied by Julio Zuverza on topic K2 items disappear in administrator Joomla! 1.7

K2 items disappear in administrator Joomla! 1.7

Category: English K2 Community

Gentle bump on this topic.

I can't see items or categories in the administration area of K2 in Safari or Chrome.
Using an older Firefox version (7.0) , I CAN see items and categories.

For what it's worth, I see the same situation using Joomlaworks Front Page Slide Show (cats only visible in FF).

Running J2.5.3 . Installed latest K2 yesterday.

Any help?

Update: On 3/26 , I installed a clone of the site on a different host and everything worked as expected: all categories and items were visible (for K2 and Front Page SlideShow).
My knowledge is limited about what could be different. Both hosts were running PHP 5.2.17.
Original host: Host Gator ; Cloned site: Blue Host

I changed all if the "Relevant PHP settings on the original site to match those on the cloned site using Cpanel's' EZEConfig, but this still did not correct the k2 problem.

Does anyone with deeper knowledge of host settings have any recommendations on what can be checked ?
  • Simon Wells
  • Simon Wells's Avatar
16 Feb 2012 20:39
Replied by Simon Wells on topic Category listing shows items 4 times, why?

Category listing shows items 4 times, why?

Category: English K2 Community

Check title alias of the menu that is acting up.
Which version of K2 and Joomla are you using.
Do you have a link to the site?

  • Spainman
  • Spainman's Avatar
09 Feb 2012 10:57
Replied by Spainman on topic [Solved] Issue with photos - appear cut

[Solved] Issue with photos - appear cut

Category: Simple Image Gallery

Hey Williama,

Below you have the reply that the Ohanah developers have sent me. Still trying to deciper it  ??? Will let you know once I get a fix.


I found what seems to be the problem, but I don't know how to solve it. It appears that simple gallery plugin that K2 is using have versions for both 1.12 and 1.2 mootools. So when mootools plugin is enabled it loads this version:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/plugins/content/jw_simpleImageGallery/includes/slimbox-1.71a/js/slimbox.js"></script>

    and when it's disabled it loads this version

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/plugins/content/jw_simpleImageGallery/includes/slimbox-1.58/js/slimbox.js"></script>

    But it detects just is plugin enable or disabled. Normal joomla mootools upgrade plugin doesn't have option to choose different versions for backend and frontend so this is enough for them.

    For this to work, you must use 1.2 on both frontend and backend.

    But then there is that "half image" problem. Inspecting CSS I found out that div that holds image has some inline css:
    <div id="lbCenter" style="width: 250px; margin-left: -125px; left: 609px; height: 470px; top: 217px; " class="">

    But this is for image that is 450px wide, so JS math is wrong. I don't know how to fix it, but that's bug in simple gallery module for mootools 1.2. Maybe you can just upgrade that plugin and it will be fixed. Check their documentation.

  • Mo
  • Mo's Avatar
30 Jan 2012 17:03

Categories vanished frontend !!

Category: English K2 Community

Hi, I did set up K2 categories and filled them - all fine and showed in the frontend when double checked. Even though not visible in frontend - everything looks fine in the backend. Now I am getting the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getLanguageFilter() on a non-object in /home/xxxxx/public_html/components/com_k2/models/itemlist.php on line 702

K2 Version 2.5.4
Joomla l.7

Can anyone tell me how to go about to get them working on frontend again ? Thanks for support... I am not a total newby but I am not a pro either... :)

best regards
  • Joom_Lee
  • Joom_Lee's Avatar
27 Jan 2012 16:46

Subcategory column layout problem - no columns

Category: English K2 Community

Dear K2 community,

I have the following issue.
Version: Joomla 1.5 + K2.5.4
Browser: FF & IE

Problem: I have a category with 7 subcategories. I want to display the subcategories in columns (e.g. 4) but using the option in category view does not have any effect.
I checked the output html & css. Width is correctly set to 25% (with 4 columns) but subcategories are still shown as long list. Checked if “div clear” might have an effect – nothing.
I found a post on the old community answering a similar post claiming to fix some bug ( . Tried it – also no result.
What could be the error?
Thanks in advance
  • Nugget Media Pty Ltd
  • Nugget Media Pty Ltd's Avatar
14 Jan 2012 20:08 - 14 Jan 2012 20:32
K2 categories not showing in K2 content data sourc was created by Nugget Media Pty Ltd

K2 categories not showing in K2 content data sourc

Category: English K2 Community

I purchase Gavick Sporter template for Joomla 1.7
It comes with K2 version 2.54.

Site is not live, just testing.

I can not get K2 categories or articles to show in the data source list in K2 Content module or GK4 module or any news module.
I have imported articles from Joomla Content Manager.
All seems OK
I check many setting but can not see why k2 does not show up as a source of articles.

I have created a menu link to K2 artilces - that works good.

Thank you for your help.
  • Robert
  • Robert's Avatar
20 Nov 2011 09:16

Readmore causing mental health issues.

Category: English K2 Community

Hi. I'm a complete noob to Joomla! and php in general. Finding K2 was a major breakthrough. You guys have solved tons of problems for me, so thanks for that. This software rocks and I can't believe it offers so much for free. I ever have any money, I'll spend it here.

I have an ongoing nightmarish issue, though, that has delayed the delivery of my first ever web site to my first ever web client: It's called Readmore/Pagination.

I've searched all over for the solution to this, but I can't find anything that works. Here is the url for the site I'm working on:

See where it says "That particular mirror can work magic - in the right spot?" Right after that, there's a readmore link. As you can see, it's not exactly working. Also, there are no pagebreaks in it right now, but I do need pagebreaks, as well, and when I add those, they don't work, either.

I've tried or checked the following:

1) I'm running the latest versions of Joomla! and K2.
2) I've enabled pagebreaks and readmore links everywhere I can find as well as showing intro text and setting word limits for the intro text everywhere.
2) I'm not running that sef404 or whatever that is - just regular Joomla! SEF (whatever THAT is.)
4) I am using Artisteer templates, and I DID find on their forum where there was an issue with pagebreaks. I fixed that, according to them. They left out some brackets in an IF/ELSE statement or something in the template css. That didn't break anything further, but it didn't fix the problem.
5) On the last two installs, I downloaded all kinds of pagebreak components and none of them worked, either. This install is clean from any of those. The only other 3rd party plugin I'm running right now is PHPEditor, and I have edited the images in that article with that. (Don't know if that makes a difference or not.)

I'm really at my wit's end with this small but important feature holding up the whole thing. I've reinstalled twice now and started over, only to end up back at this same problem.

Any help anyone can suggest would be much appreciated. I'd be thrilled if someone would login and take a look - it's quite likely I'm missing something completely boneheaded.

Thanks for K2. Even if I just have to work around this issue, K2 more than rocks.

PS - While I'm asking for things, I really can't stand how adding the readmore link bolds all that intro text and makes it gigantic, so if someone could point me where to change that, I'd appreciate that, too.
  • Jasper Newton
  • Jasper Newton's Avatar
03 Nov 2011 10:54
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic Calender Setup

Calender Setup

Category: English K2 Community

Just as an update to save the Question being asked, I have tried the following;

Deleted JCE editor and all plugins. Set Editor as TinyMCE and cleared cache and purged expired cache. Re checked ALL settings (all plugins,modules,components) with a site I Know to work and does not have this issue.

Still the error shows. Having read several forums (Joomla and K2) it appears this has been an issue since at least Joomla 1,5 and or ealier versions of JCE editor or K2.

So any new ideas would be appreciated.
  • WJ Honig
  • WJ Honig's Avatar
01 Nov 2011 12:59
Replied by WJ Honig on topic JCE Editor 2.0 not working

JCE Editor 2.0 not working

Category: English K2 Community

I have checked all elements of working with JCE (activation plugins, users, etc.) but after the installation JCE 2.0 is not working in K2 version 2.5.1.

I have deleted JCE version 2.0 and installed the older JCE version, but still the editor is not working with Internet Explorer. With Mozilla Firefox 7.0.1 the editor is working properly. Only problem is that the configuration of JCE is not showing properly.

Is there an alternative for JCE? I don't know any!
Displaying 141 - 160 out of 270 results.

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