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Search Results (Searched for: Re Error SQL)

  • Jordan Weinstein
  • Jordan Weinstein's Avatar
07 Dec 2011 23:31
Replied by Jordan Weinstein on topic [SOLVED] Error in category view.. mysqli

[SOLVED] Error in category view.. mysqli

Category: English K2 Community

I have the same issue.
  • Sheri House
  • Sheri House's Avatar
02 Dec 2011 23:37
Replied by Sheri House on topic Installation Error

Installation Error

Category: Simple Image Gallery PRO

I just tried the manual install and ran the SQL:

INSERT INTO `jos_plugins` (`id`, `name`, `element`, `folder`, `access`, `ordering`, `published`, `iscore`, `client_id`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `params`) VALUES (NULL, 'Simple Image Gallery PRO (by JoomlaWorks)', 'jw_sigpro', 'content', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'galleries_rootfolder=images/stories\npopup_engine=jquery_slimbox\nthb_template=Default\nthb_width=200\nthb_height=160\njpg_quality=75\nshowcaptions=1\nenabledownload=1\ncache_expire_time=120\n');

I am getting a pop message: MISSING VALUE IN THE FORM?
  • Jan Zitniak
  • Jan Zitniak's Avatar
02 Dec 2011 09:58
Multi language K2 site error was created by Jan Zitniak

Multi language K2 site error

Category: English K2 Community

Hello everybody.

Somebody meets following error?

TableK2Category: :store failed
Unknown column 'language' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `josXXX_k2_categories` SET ...

It happened when I wanted to assign language to any K2 category.
I'm using
Joomla 1.7.3
K2 2.5.3

I see in database that language column in josXXX_k2_categories is missing
  • Wael Baraja
  • Wael Baraja's Avatar
24 Nov 2011 11:52
Replied by Wael Baraja on topic Installation Error

Installation Error

Category: Simple Image Gallery PRO


i dont understand for step #8

how to run this command in sql

please can i get help

  • Gianluca Ritrovati
  • Gianluca Ritrovati's Avatar
19 Nov 2011 09:20
k2 search return error with other languages was created by Gianluca Ritrovati

k2 search return error with other languages

Category: English K2 Community

Hi! I've installed k2 on joomla 1.7, and set italian as frontend language (Site and Administration, filter language plugin disabled) .

My trouble is that k2 search tool returns an error like this:
  • mikodragonfly
  • mikodragonfly's Avatar
13 Nov 2011 15:29 - 15 Nov 2011 17:24

[Solved] DISQUS Comments for Joomla version 3.1 Error

Category: DISQUS Comments for Joomla!

The following error started displaying on my frontend and some backend pages after I installed version 3.1 DISQUS Comments for Joomla.

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/xxxx/ on line 37

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/xxxxx/ on line 37

Could someone please tell me how I need to modify that line?

Joomla Version: Joomla! 1.7.3 Stable
PHP Version: 5.2.17
Database Type: MySQLi
Database Version: 5.1.56-log
  • Miguel Villela
  • Miguel Villela's Avatar
08 Nov 2011 01:48 - 08 Nov 2011 03:34
Replied by Miguel Villela on topic mysqli error - can not view any K2 items (j 1.7)

mysqli error - can not view any K2 items (j 1.7)

Category: English K2 Community

I am getting the same error, so this must be an issue with displaying articles by category.
  • Sara
  • Sara's Avatar
03 Nov 2011 10:02

Converting: J1.5 to 1.7, and Article Manager to K2

Category: English K2 Community

I am also looking for the same advice [1.5.24 to 1.7.2 -- I have purchased SP Upgrade to perform the migration].
I have a 1.7.2 installation that is serving as a test site, where I installed K2 2.5.1, and attempted to import articles/items and I received this error:
"Fatal error: Class 'JSimpleXML' not found in /heXYZes/boXYZeb/weXYZ4/bXYZ7/sXYZnc/public_html/mXYZ172a/administrator/components/com_k2/models/items.php on line 716"

Clicking 'Parameters' [no icon visible BTW] opens a pop-up with this error:
"Fatal error: Call to a member function loadByOption() on a non-object in /heXYZes/boXYZeb/wXYZ4/bXYZ7/sXYZc/public_html/mXYZ172a/administrator/components/com_k2/models/settings.php on line 38"

On the Items tab, I have this error:
"Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /heXYZes/boXYZeb/weXYZ34/bXYZ7/slXYZsdanc/public_html/mplXYZ172a/administrator/components/com_k2/views/items/tmpl/default.php on line 112"

On the Users tab, I have this error:
"Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /heXYZes/boXYZeb/weXYZ4/bXYZ7/slXYZsdanc/public_html/mpXYZj172a/administrator/components/com_k2/models/users.php on line 222"

The three (3) K2 plug-in's are enabled: system, search, users

I will continue to search the Forum in case this was already addressed (didn't find it in a search).

Also, is there a calendar within K2, or is that a 3rd party extension (displayed in demo)? I am currently using JEvents but willing to switch if one is incorporated in K2 already.

My System Info:
Web Server Apache/2
PHP version 5.2.17
MySQL version 5.0.91-log
GD image library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
Multibyte string support Enabled
Upload limit 8M
Memory limit 64M
Open remote files (allow url fopen) Yes
  • Trishah
  • Trishah's Avatar
01 Nov 2011 21:48 - 01 Nov 2011 23:13

Warning With First Install of K2 Store

Category: English K2 Community

This is my first install of K2 and K2 Store. I have K2 installed and I got the Blog working on the front end which is what I wanted.

Now I want to add the store. I unzipped the current component and used the install manager as usual. It says that it was installed properly... all except this one error.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/trishah/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php on line 678

This relates to the last function on this page which I have shown below. Is this something I need to fix? If so, how?

UPDATE: I have tried to create my first product and there is no Buy Now button. I have gone over all the instructions several times and cannot find the problem. Could the above error have caused this?
 function getTableFields( $tables, $typeonly = true ) { settype($tables, 'array'); //force to array $result = array(); foreach ($tables as $tblval) { $this->setQuery( 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . $tblval ); $fields = $this->loadObjectList(); if($typeonly) { [b]Line 678:[/b] foreach ($fields as $field) { $result[$tblval][$field->Field] = preg_replace("/[(0-9)]/",'', $field->Type ); } } else { foreach ($fields as $field) { $result[$tblval][$field->Field] = $field; } } } return $result; } }
  • dewinky
  • dewinky's Avatar
01 Nov 2011 03:31

Installed FSS 3.03 and getting errors with joomla 1.72

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

Seeing errors in the component panel, unable to load samples and create categories:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/bosweb/web091/b911/ipg.deusermaster1/love4ed/administrator/components/com_fpss/views/slides/view.html.php on line 51

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/bosweb/web091/b911/ipg.deusermaster1/love4ed/administrator/components/com_fpss/views/slides/tmpl/default.php on line 62

After trying to create category:
FPSSCategory: :store failed
Unknown column 'ordering' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `jml_fpss_categories` (`id`,`name`,`published`,`ordering`,`language`,`params`) VALUES ('','New Articles','1','','*','{\"imageWidth\":\"500\",\"imageQuality\":\"90\",\"thumbWidth\":\"100\",\"thumbQuality\":\"75\",\"previewWidth\":\"900\",\"previewQuality\":\"90\",\"title\":\"1\",\"text\":\"1\",\"tagline\":\"1\",\"category\":\"1\",\"author\":\"1\",\"readmore\":\"1\",\"target\":\"_self\",\"liveData\":\"1\"}')
  • Bethany Amborn
  • Bethany Amborn's Avatar
31 Oct 2011 15:47
mysqli error - can not view any K2 items (j 1.7) was created by Bethany Amborn

mysqli error - can not view any K2 items (j 1.7)

Category: English K2 Community

I am building a new site in Joomla 1.7, and I am getting an error in K2 that will not allow me to view the articles in the category.

Link to see the error:

Warning: mysqli_close() [function.mysqli-close]: Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/knowndon/public_html/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php on line 148

Does anyone know what this is or how to fix it? I really need K2 for this site...
  • William Gollinger
  • William Gollinger's Avatar
28 Oct 2011 19:53 - 28 Oct 2011 19:54
Replied by William Gollinger on topic Accessing K2 rating information

Accessing K2 rating information

Category: English K2 Community

Success!! :D It must have been the quote thing, because now I'm getting output "Item ID is : 27"! Thank you so much :D:D:D

Let it be known (in case anyone out there hasn't noticed) that SQL is a HUGE pain in the neck if you don't get the syntax right!

Here's the working code for reference:
<?php //don't allow other scripts to grab and execute our file defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); jimport('joomla.application.component.model'); JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'tables'); $db = & JFactory::getDBO(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__k2_rating WHERE '.$db->nameQuote('itemID').'=27'; $db->setQuery($query); $row = $db->loadObject(); if(!$row){ $itemID = 'ERROR'; } else{ $itemID = $row->itemID; } echo "Item ID is : " . $itemID; ?>
And the output is "Item ID is : 27"

(Thanks again!)
  • johan
  • johan's Avatar
28 Oct 2011 14:30
instlacion k2 v 2.2 was created by johan

instlacion k2 v 2.2

Category: Comunidad hispana oficial de K2


Quisiera saber por que ocurre este error en la instalacion del componente k2 v 2.2.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in Home...........\mysql.php on line 676

trabajo con la version de joomla 1.5.8

  • Marc
  • Marc's Avatar
28 Oct 2011 02:48 - 28 Oct 2011 03:02
Upgraded to 1.6.6 and K2 2.51 was created by Marc

Upgraded to 1.6.6 and K2 2.51

Category: English K2 Community

I've just finished upgrading and used jupgrade. I still have the upgrade sitting in the jugrade folder while I set up the template.

Still after the upgrade I cannot get the frontend submititem menu working. The add link from the profile works well. I also have the menu set up as render. Not sure if it matters, but I'm with Bluehost.

I have checked the SQL database and have the following link for the menu item


The params are


Is there anything else I can check? Getting 404 error component not found.

  • Kingkong
  • Kingkong's Avatar
21 Oct 2011 12:07
FPSS installer error was created by Kingkong

FPSS installer error

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

I get installer error in Joomla 1.5.23 trying to install FPSS, see details belowJInstaller::install: SQL Error. DB function failed with error number 1005
Can't create table 'jos_fpss_categories' (errno: 13) SQL=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fpss_categories` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `published` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL, `language` char(7) NOT NULL, `params` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `published` (`published`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `language` (`language`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
SQL = CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fpss_categories` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `published` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `language` char(7) NOT NULL,
  `params` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `published` (`published`),
  KEY `ordering` (`ordering`),
  KEY `language` (`language`)
Component Install: SQL error or missing or unreadable SQL file. DB function failed with error number 1005
Can't create table 'jos_fpss_categories' (errno: 13) SQL=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fpss_categories` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `published` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL, `language` char(7) NOT NULL, `params` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `published` (`published`), KEY `ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `language` (`language`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
SQL = CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_fpss_categories` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `published` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `language` char(7) NOT NULL,
  `params` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `published` (`published`),
  KEY `ordering` (`ordering`),
  KEY `language` (`language`)
  • Karen Liebman
  • Karen Liebman's Avatar
18 Oct 2011 17:06
Can't Create Slides or Categories was created by Karen Liebman

Can't Create Slides or Categories

Category: Frontpage Slideshow


Yesterday I upgraded from version 2.9.4 to 3.0.2 and encountered several problems.

All my old slides disappeared, which is fine, but when I tried to re-upload them, I got an error message:
FPSSSLIDE::store failed - Unknown column 'title' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO' sgj_fpss_slides' ( 'is', 'title', 'published', 'publish_up;, 'publish_down', 'created', 'created_by', 'access', 'ordering', 'featured;, 'featured_ordering', 'text', 'tagline', referenceType', 'referenceID', 'hits', 'params') VALUES ('0', 'Events', '1', '1', '2011-10-17 16:06:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2011-10-17 16:07:55', '04', '1', '0', '', '', Tagline', 'com_menus', '5', '0', 'useOriginal-\ntitle-\ntext-\ntagline-\ncategory-\nauthor-\nreadmore-\ntarget-\nliveData-\n\n' )

I tried to create/edit categories and got a similar error message (see second screen shot).
FPSSCategory::store failed - Unknown column 'params' in 'field list' SQL-UPDATE 'sgj_fpss_categories' SET 'name' = 'Homepage', 'published'='1', 'params'='imageWidth=350\nimageQuality=100\nthumbWidth=100\nthumbQuality=75\npreviewWidth="900\npreviewQuality=90\ntitle=0\ntext=0\ntagline=0\ncategory=0\ncategory=0\nauthor=0\nreadmore=0\ntarget WHERE id='2'

I'm sure I'm just doing something embarrassingly simple wrong, but I could really use the help!  Thanks.
  • Trentin C Bergeron
  • Trentin C Bergeron's Avatar
11 Oct 2011 07:44

Backend - Edit or New Article - Content Image Field Area Not Visible

Category: English K2 Community

When I create a new article or edit an existing article, the content input area is missing.  So is the image area. You can select the tabs, but nothing appears below. I cannot add content or images. I cannot see the current content or images. Content is showing up on the front end. I have tried installing the System - SC jQuery and enabled Mootools upgrade and that didn't help.



K2 Settings:

Web Server

Apache/1.3.42 (Unix) mod_gzip/ mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.31 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 PHP-CGI/0.9

PHP version


MySQL version


GD image library

bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

Multibyte string support


Upload limit


Memory limit


Open remote files (allow url fopen)




























mod_k2_quickicons (administrator)


System - K2

Installed - Enabled

User - K2

Installed - Enabled

Search - K2

Installed - Enabled


System Information




PHP Built on:

Linux #1 SMP Wed May 18 08:51:09 CDT 2011 i686

Database Version:


Database Collation:


PHP Version:


Web Server:

Apache/1.3.42 (Unix) mod_gzip/ mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.31 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 PHP-CGI/0.9

Web Server to PHP interface:


Joomla! Version:

Joomla! 1.5.22 Stable [ senu takaa ama woi ] 04-November-2010 18:00 GMT

User Agent:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1


Relevant PHP Settings




Safe Mode:


Open basedir:


Display Errors:


Short Open Tags:


File Uploads:


Magic Quotes:


Register Globals:


Output Buffering:


Session Save Path:


Session Auto Start:


XML Enabled:


Zlib Enabled:


Disabled Functions:


Mbstring Enabled:


Iconv Available:



Editor - No Edito

  • Pixel Point Creative LLC
  • Pixel Point Creative LLC's Avatar
30 Sep 2011 16:20
Replied by Pixel Point Creative LLC on topic Where and when I can download K2 for Joomla 1.7?

Where and when I can download K2 for Joomla 1.7?

Category: English K2 Community

I wanted to share my experiences with everyone. I have been following this thread for a while now and like everyone else here really do love K2 and hope for a release soon. That being said, I had a 1.5 site that used K2 and the client really wanted to upgrade to 1.7. I decided to give it a go with the K2 2.5 SVN. All said and done it now functions and works well minus one issue I didn't look into fixing. That is item ordering does not work int he admin. Other than that I was able to get everything else working OK, BUT it was a huge headache and took some skills. If you don't have some My SQL and Php My admin skills, you might as well forget it. My approach was to export the tables from the 1.5 version and import them into the 1.7 version. First problem upon inspection is that the permissions were not copied. This made it so you could not browse to any K2 item in the front end without a 404. I had to bulk update the permissions column in the database for all items and categories. Now I could see the items in the frontend. Next, i wasn't able to save anything in K2. No category or item changes. The error I received was about a missing language column. Again I bulk updated the items and categories tables. I added a language column. This solved it. Next, all images were lost. Had to redo them. Not practical for a big site. In my case it was only about 30-40. Attachments did not work either. They were in the proper folder media/k2/attachments. The association to the files was not working. 404 page. I eventually found a post in this forum to direct link to attachments. That worked and I was back in business. Finally the settings for categories (ie comments off, hits on) appeared to be copied over when viewing in the front end, but if you decided to edit and item or category, they were all lost and reverted back to default. So I had to redo the setting for the categories. Not too bad since most inherited theirs from one or two categories. All in all it was a learning experience. As of now, I have a fully functional 1.7 site running K2 2.5 SVN, but it WAS a hassle and not practical for most. I am hoping that K2 releases a migration tool when the stable version is out to avoid all the pitfalls i have had. My two cents. If you really want to migrate your site now, it will be a pain and you will not be happy while you are doing it. Once it is done, it works but still a huge hassle. I would also suggest cloning your site and doing on a dev server so you can work through it over time. All and all the SVN seems pretty stable once it was all running. I think installed it on a new 1.7 site would be OK. Hopefully they will iron out the remaining bugs and get a item migrator in place and we might be in business.........................hopefully before Joomla 3.5 is released. :)
  • darthphunk
  • darthphunk's Avatar
23 Sep 2011 00:29
Error when creating a category? was created by darthphunk

Error when creating a category?

Category: Frontpage Slideshow

Need help guys.

I have Joomla 1.5 and was running FPSS 2.9.4 and the read more button looked weird.  I figured it must not like my site template.  Rather than troublelshoot it, I decided to upgrade to 3.0.2 and see if the problem was still there.

I have a different problem now.

I deleted the "Demo" category so I could add my own categories. I successfully deleted the demo category and when I tried to add my own, I get the following message:

FPSSCategory::store failed - Unknown column 'ordering' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_fpss_categories` ( `id`,`name`,`published`,`ordering`,`params` ) VALUES ( '0','TEST','1','','imageWidth=500\nimageQuality=90\nthumbWidth=100\nthumbQuality=75\npreviewWidth=900\npreviewQuality=90\ntitle=1\ntext=1\ntagline=1\ncategory=1\nauthor=1\nreadmore=1\ntarget=_self\nliveData=1\n\n' )

Can anyone help?
  • Scott Ackerman
  • Scott Ackerman's Avatar
21 Sep 2011 19:21
Error building admin menus was created by Scott Ackerman

Error building admin menus

Category: English K2 Community

I have read in other forum posts that this is 'only' due to a Joomla 1.7 site that has been upgraded to 1.6 that is using Front Page Slideshow. Untrue! I have a fresh Joomla 1.7 install and am not using Front Page Slideshow and am not able to use K2 because of the error. I have the following extensions installed:

Akeebabackup 3.3.4Admin Tools 2.1.6Contact Enhanced 1.6.3Gantry 3.2.11JCE 2.0.14NoNumber Extension Manager with Advanced Module Manager, Articles Anywhere and Cache Cleaner installedVersions 1.851 by Fatica Consulting


PHP 2.6.32MySQL 5.1.52

I supposed I could start with a fresh install of 1.7 and iteratively add extensions and see when K2 won't install but I don't have any problem installing any other extensions so it certainly 'sounds' like a K2 installation issue.
Displaying 601 - 620 out of 788 results.