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Search Results (Searched for: extra field order)

  • Rhianon Hoffman
  • Rhianon Hoffman's Avatar
17 Sep 2010 18:46
Replied by Rhianon Hoffman on topic Varying Author Name

Varying Author Name

Category: English K2 Community

Hi Miltiadis,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

I followed your link and copied everything into my /templates/YOURTEMPLATE/html/com_k2/ folder. I did need to create the com_k2 folder which I assume is normal. There was already a mod_k2login there but not a com_ folder. Anyway, inside that folder, it seemed that the tutorial expected the "default" folder and a couple of views to be in the root. The views they used as examples, generic.php, user.php etc were not in the root but in the "templates" folder. Is that ok? The "default" folder was also located in the "templates" folder.

If I want to change the way the author name is displayed across the whole site, can I not just edit the files at the components/com_k2 level? Also, just to ensure I am communicating what I want to happen, I edited my last image to add the location. It doesn't need to be linkable, just displayed. I checked out the plugin you mentioned but it didn't seem to accomplish this.

So what should I do next?

Thanks so much for your help!

Miltiadis bouchalakis said:Hello you will need to override the template then you can create some extra fields and position them in the place of written by.
or you can install and then call the user extra fields or call the user description
i know that my post is cryptic for someone that is just starting to learn k2. Read the tutorials and i will help you.
Be aware that you will need some php html and css knowledge in order to modify the template
  • Miltiadis bouchalakis
  • Miltiadis bouchalakis's Avatar
17 Sep 2010 17:55
Replied by Miltiadis bouchalakis on topic Varying Author Name

Varying Author Name

Category: English K2 Community

Hello you will need to override the template
then you can create some extra fields and position them in the place of written by.
or you can install and then call the user extra fields or call the user description
i know that my post is cryptic for someone that is just starting to learn k2. Read the tutorials and i will help you.
Be aware that you will need some php html and css knowledge in order to modify the template
  • german
  • german's Avatar
31 Aug 2010 14:37

can we add extra fields to the user registration form?

Category: English K2 Community

Yes, is a little complicated task... but is possible, you must install this plugin
"User Extended Fields for K2" and then change the parameters of the plugin in order to add your own fields...
  • Jasper Newton
  • Jasper Newton's Avatar
23 Aug 2010 19:12
Extra Field ordering? was created by Jasper Newton

Extra Field ordering?

Category: English K2 Community

So it seems the more I learn and progress through k2, the more questions i ultimatley have. I can only hope somebody has some guidance or help.Ok, so Extra fields in the back end, I have set them all up, differing kinds, and associated them all to my categories. It works like a dream. Then I realized I had forgotten an extra field, so I created it, refreshed my page and saw it had gone to the bottom, going into the backend i noticed you cant alter the ordering like you would an item, any ideas?Thanks Jasper
  • Patricia Saco Atanes
  • Patricia Saco Atanes's Avatar
23 Aug 2010 10:18
Can't add category - K2 v2.3 was created by Patricia Saco Atanes

Can't add category - K2 v2.3

Category: English K2 Community

Hi there and thanks for this awesome component!
We are having trouble in one of our sites installing K2.
We installed K2 v2.3 and when we try to add a new category we get the message:

TableK2Category::store failed - Table 'implementaweb.jos_k2_categories' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_k2_categories` ( `id`,`name`,`alias`,`description`,`parent`,`published`,`access`,`ordering`,`params` ) VALUES ( '','prueba','prueba','','0','1','0','','inheritFrom=0\ntheme=\nnum_leading_items=2\nnum_leading_columns=1\nleadingImgSize=Large\nnum_primary_items=4\nnum_primary_columns=2\nprimaryImgSize=Medium\nnum_secondary_items=4\nnum_secondary_columns=1\nsecondaryImgSize=Small\nnum_links=4\nnum_links_columns=1\nlinksImgSize=XSmall\ncatCatalogMode=0\ncatFeaturedItems=1\ncatOrdering=\ncatPagination=2\ncatPaginationResults=1\ncatTitle=1\ncatTitleItemCounter=1\ncatDescription=1\ncatImage=1\ncatFeedLink=1\nfeedLink=1\nsubCategories=1\nsubCatColumns=2\nsubCatOrdering=\nsubCatTitle=1\nsubCatTitleItemCounter=1\nsubCatDescription=1\nsubCatImage=1\nitemImageXS=\nitemImageS=\nitemImageM=\nitemImageL=\nitemImageXL=\ncatItemTitle=1\ncatItemTitleLinked=1\ncatItemFeaturedNotice=0\ncatItemAuthor=1\ncatItemDateCreated=1\ncatItemRating=0\ncatItemImage=1\ncatItemIntroText=1\ncatItemIntroTextWordLimit=\ncatItemExtraFields=0\ncatItemHits=0\ncatItemCategory=1\ncatItemTags=1\ncatItemAttachments=0\ncatItemAttachmentsCounter=0\ncatItemVideo=0\ncatItemVideoWidth=\ncatItemVideoHeight=\ncatItemVideoAutoPlay=0\ncatItemImageGallery=0\ncatItemDateModified=0\ncatItemReadMore=1\ncatItemCommentsAnchor=1\ncatItemK2Plugins=1\nitemDateCreated=1\nitemTitle=1\nitemFeaturedNotice=1\nitemAuthor=1\nitemFontResizer=1\nitemPrintButton=1\nitemEmailButton=1\nitemSocialButton=1\nitemVideoAnchor=1\nitemImageGalleryAnchor=1\nitemCommentsAnchor=1\nitemRating=1\nitemImage=1\nitemImgSize=Large\nitemImageMainCaption=1\nitemImageMainCredits=1\nitemIntroText=1\nitemFullText=1\nitemExtraFields=1\nitemDateModified=1\nitemHits=1\nitemTwitterLink=1\nitemCategory=1\nitemTags=1\nitemShareLinks=1\nitemAttachments=1\nitemAttachmentsCounter=1\nitemRelated=1\nitemRelatedLimit=5\nitemVideo=1\nitemVideoWidth=\nitemVideoHeight=\nitemVideoAutoPlay=0\nitemVideoCaption=1\nitemVideoCredits=1\nitemImageGallery=1\nitemNavigation=1\nitemComments=1\nitemAuthorBlock=1\nitemAuthorImage=1\nitemAuthorDescription=1\nitemAuthorURL=1\nitemAuthorEmail=0\nitemAuthorLatest=1\nitemAuthorLatestLimit=5\nitemK2Plugins=1\n\n' )

We tried to uninstall and install again but it didn't work, and we don't find any other discussion with the same error so... here we are :)

Thank you very much!
  • V. Edmond
  • V. Edmond's Avatar
16 Aug 2010 16:10
No joomfish translation option! was created by V. Edmond

No joomfish translation option!

Category: English K2 Community

I know this question about K2 & joomFish is a long disputed subject. I am relatively new to joomla, please forgive me.
I have set everything up so far but I can't get joomFish working for the articles, categories and the rest of the K2 items. I have read some posts about the order of the installation, and yes I made it wrong (I installed K2 first). But I have copied the core xml files:


to /administrator/components/com_joomfish/contentelements/.

But I am still not able to get the translation drop down window working (for entering preferred translation of the items).
Could someone tell me if there are element definitions still to change manually??

  • Jacob Friedman
  • Jacob Friedman's Avatar
12 Aug 2010 23:35
Replied by Jacob Friedman on topic Copy Category

Copy Category

Category: English K2 Community

So, I wrote up some code that duplicates a K2 triple-nested category. It's only good for 3 levels since a) I'm not super at coding and b) that's all I needed.

______In views/categories/view.html.php on line 73 :______________

JToolBarHelper::custom('Duplicate','restore.png','restore_f2.png',JText::_('Duplicate'), true);

______In controllers/categories.php on line 99:____________________________________

function duplicate() {
$mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication();
$model = & $this->getModel('categories');

______In models/categories.php at the end:____________________________________

function duplicate() {

$mainframe = &JFactory::getApplication();
$cid = JRequest::getVar('cid');
$db = & JFactory::getDBO();
$idpush = 1;


$query = "SELECT id, name, alias, description, parent, extraFieldsGroup, published, access, ordering, image, params, trash, plugins FROM #__k2_categories WHERE id={$cid[0]}";
$result = $db->loadObject();


$maxIDquery = "SELECT id FROM #__k2_categories ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3";
$maxID = $db->loadResult();
$highID = $maxID + $idpush;
$result->id = $highID;
$topparent = $highID;

$db->insertObject( '#__k2_categories', $result , 'id');


$childrenquery = "SELECT id,trash FROM #__k2_categories WHERE parent={$cid[0]} AND trash=0";


$children = $db->loadResultArray();
$subChildren = array();


foreach($children as $child) {

$query = "SELECT id, name, alias, description, parent, extraFieldsGroup, published, access, ordering, image, params, trash, plugins FROM #__k2_categories WHERE id={$child} AND trash=0";
$result1 = $db->loadObject();
$result1->id = $highID;
$result1->parent = $topparent;


$db->insertObject( '#__k2_categories', $result1 , 'id');

$childquery = "SELECT id,trash FROM #__k2_categories
WHERE parent={$child} AND trash=0";

$subChildrenQuery = $db->loadResultArray();

foreach ($subChildrenQuery as $subChild) {

$query = "SELECT id, name, alias, description, parent, extraFieldsGroup, published, access, ordering, image, params, trash, plugins FROM #__k2_categories WHERE id={$subChild} AND trash=0";
$result = $db->loadObject();
$result->id = $highID;
$result->parent = $result1->id;

$db->insertObject( '#__k2_categories', $result , 'id');


$row = & JTable::getInstance('K2Category', 'Table');
foreach ($cid as $id) {
$row->publish($id, 1);

$cache = & JFactory::getCache('com_k2');
$msg = JText::_(count($children));
$mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=com_k2&view=categories', $msg);

  • John Charles Smith
  • John Charles Smith's Avatar
10 Aug 2010 21:50
Replied by John Charles Smith on topic Displaying CSV data

Displaying CSV data

Category: English K2 Community

I am having the same problem. I have successfully imported the data I need, but the display leaves much to be desired. I have tried manipulating every style associated with the csv I could find:

87 - /* --- Extra fields: CSV data styling --- */
88 - table.csvData {}
89 - table.csvData tr th {}
90 - table.csvData tr td {}

I even added some:

div.catItemExtraFields table {
width: 100%;
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
div.catItemExtraFields th {
font-size: 10px;
div.catItemExtraFields td {

And still no joy. Frankly, changing any of the styles doesn't seem to affect the table at all. Commenting out the styles doesn't affect the appearance either. Has anyone been able to successfully style the imported data table? I would love to know how.
  • iImagine 'n' iKnow Ltd.
  • iImagine 'n' iKnow Ltd.'s Avatar
10 Aug 2010 00:31

Issue with K2 Tables: ##Error message: The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes

Category: English K2 Community

AllI use XCloner to backup my joomla sites and restore to a different host, been using this for a couple of years. However, before my next move I checked out a site I built on my local pc, setup another test directory, another new DB (empty) and ran a restore on a backup I had taken. XCloner first unzips all the joomla directory and data structures, then in the new target database it builds the joomla database.All worked as expected except ALL my K2 tables failed - see below.Can anyone comment as to why K2 doesnt support FULL TEXT but more importantly what I need to do to workaround this problem.ThanksGeorgeXCloner Automatic Restore! Configuration updated! There were some errors while importing the database:

##Mysql Query: ######## CREATE TABLE `jos_k2_items` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `alias` varchar(255) default NULL,
`catid` int(11) NOT NULL, `published` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
`introtext` text NOT NULL, `fulltext` text NOT NULL, `video` text,
`gallery` varchar(255) default NULL, `extra_fields` text character set
utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci, `extra_fields_search` text NOT NULL,
`created` datetime NOT NULL, `created_by` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`created_by_alias` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `checked_out` int(10)
unsigned NOT NULL, `checked_out_time` datetime NOT NULL, `modified`
datetime NOT NULL, `modified_by` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`publish_up` datetime NOT NULL, `publish_down` datetime NOT NULL,
`trash` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `access` int(11) NOT NULL
default '0', `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `featured`
smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `featured_ordering` int(11) NOT NULL
default '0', `image_caption` text NOT NULL, `image_credits`
varchar(255) NOT NULL, `video_caption` text NOT NULL, `video_credits`
varchar(255) NOT NULL, `hits` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `params` text
NOT NULL, `metadesc` text NOT NULL, `metadata` text NOT NULL,
`metakey` text NOT NULL, `plugins` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
KEY `item` (`published`,`publish_up`,`publish_down`,`trash`,`access`),
KEY `catid` (`catid`), KEY `created_by` (`created_by`), KEY
`ordering` (`ordering`), KEY `featured` (`featured`), KEY
`featured_ordering` (`featured_ordering`), KEY `hits` (`hits`), KEY
`created` (`created`), FULLTEXT KEY `search`
FULLTEXT KEY `title` (`title`)); ######## ##Error message: The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes

##Mysql Query: ######## INSERT INTO jos_k2_items VALUES
('1','Dedication','dedication','1','1','<p style=\"text-align:
center;\">\r\n <span style=\"font-size: 24px;\"><span
style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 139);\">Dedicated to
James</span></span></p>\r\n<p>\r\n {loadposition
fps1}</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n <span
style=\"font-size: 24px;\"><strong><span style=\"color:
rgb(0, 0, 139);\">IN MEMORY</span> <span style=\"color:
rgb(0, 0, 139);\">OF</span> <span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0,
style=\"text-align: center;\">\r\n <span style=\"font-size:
24px;\"><strong><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0,
139);\">1973 –
_fck_bookmark=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\">
</span></strong></p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align:
center;\">\r\n <span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 128);\">'Those we
love don’t go away<br />\r\n <br />\r\n they walk beside us
everyday<br />\r\n <br />\r\n Forever In our
Hearts'</span></p>\r\n<p>\r\n <span
_fck_bookmark=\"1\" style=\"display: none;\">
</span></p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n {audio
autostart}images/stories/music/09 - U2 - Beautiful
Day.mp3{/audio}</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n On the
20<sup>th</sup> February 1973 my wife Janis gave birth to a
beautiful boy, we called him James. I remember thinking how wonderful
life was and how it was a beautiful day. We had a great family were very
close, caring and loving. James and his sister Joanne have always been
very special to Janis and me. On the 5<sup>th</sup> June
2007, after a particularly nasty accident at home, God relieved James of
his pain and he died.I remember looking out of the window at the
hospital, at all the people busy going to work and thinking to myself –
it is a beautiful day.</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n Janis,
Joanne, George and Dave would like to thank the Redditch A&E
department and to pay a huge tribute to the wonderful ICU teams at the
John Radcliffe Hospital who worked hard attempting to save James' life.
Their professionalism and compassion is simply
remarkable.</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n We would like to
thank everyone who were so generous with their financial donations. The
total amount of money donated was £784.50 and was sent to the John
Radcliffe Hospital.</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n If anyone
has problems with this website or needs to contact me - <a
href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">email
23:54:43','62','','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','2010-07-29
18:22:33','62','2010-07-14 23:54:43','0000-00-00
######## ##Error message: Table 'jjtest.jos_k2_items' doesn't exist

##Mysql Query: ######## INSERT INTO jos_k2_items VALUES ('2','Dedicate
2','dedicate-2','1','1','<p>\r\n This site is dedicated to you my
son, my very best friend.</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n
James was a terrific guy, full of boundless energy and incredible
humour. He worked hard, was highly respected and had many, many friends.
He was married to Sarah and has two beautiful children – Chloe and
Kai.</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n His best mate was Dave
who later on in their friendship fell in love with and married James'
sister Joanne. Dave and Jo’s children Abbie and Ellis miss those happy
days with their favourite uncle James and their cousins and pals Chloe
and Kai.</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n James’ funeral was
held at Redditch Crematorium Chapel on the 15<sup>th</sup>
June, his ashes were scattered by Sarah by the only tree in Arrow Mill’s
grounds in October. A plaque in memory of James has been placed by a
beautiful tree in St Leonard’s cemetery Boeley (close to a bench) as
part of a small dedication service during March 2008. If you are in the
area please pay James a visit.</p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n
This site is here for all his friends and family to view, share in
happier memories and leave their thoughts.</p>\r\n<p
align=\"left\">\r\n </p>\r\n<p align=\"left\">\r\n
</p>\r\n<p>\r\n </p>\r\n<table border=\"0\"
style=\"height: 132px;\" width=\"817\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n
<tr>\r\n <td>\r\n </td>\r\n <td>\r\n
</td>\r\n </tr>\r\n
00:01:17','62','','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','2010-07-15
17:30:14','62','2010-07-15 00:01:17','0000-00-00
######## ##Error message: Table 'jjtest.jos_k2_items' doesn't exist

##Mysql Query: ######## INSERT INTO jos_k2_items VALUES ('3','Messages to
James','messages-to-james','2','1','<p>\r\n Please leave your
messages to James here:<br />\r\n
18:27:05','62','','0','0000-00-00 00:00:00','0000-00-00
00:00:00','0','2010-07-15 18:27:05','0000-00-00
######## ##Error message: Table 'jjtest.jos_k2_items' doesn't exist

##Mysql Query: ######## CREATE TABLE `jos_k2_tags` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `published` smallint(6) NOT NULL default
'0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `published` (`published`), FULLTEXT KEY
`name` (`name`)); ######## ##Error message: The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes
  •'s Avatar
02 Aug 2010 18:26
Replied by on topic Changing the design of Extra Fields

Changing the design of Extra Fields

Category: English K2 Community

Hi Daria,

You have to make modifications to the k2.css file (in your 'templates/ja_pyro/css' folder), near line 348, where item extrafield css begins :

div.ItemExtraFields ul li {

div.itemView div.ItemExtraFields ul li span.ItemExtraFieldsLabel {

and near line #40

.even {
background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFF0;
border-bottom:1px dotted #CCCCCC;

  • Jasper Newton
  • Jasper Newton's Avatar
22 Jul 2010 11:28
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 - Cancel 'add new item' from frontend

K2 - Cancel 'add new item' from frontend

Category: English K2 Community


HI, yes all the text fields have been filled out, images uploaded and extra fields etc. On one of my sites I am using the K2 Store plugin, and have the same problem. Like I say, technically it isn't "broken", it just operates in a way which could put a lot of people off. For example if you were to go onto a well known site named after a river, and you tried to order a product, and instead of it clearly showing you that your transaction was successful, nothing happened, I feel allot of people would give up and go elsewhere. This is what I fear on my sites. I hate over complicated sites, and i strive for simplicity for users. I could put an explanation module telling people how to go round the problem, but that is akin to saying "yes, our site works, not that well, here's how you get round it," doesn't instill confidence. I know K2 are aware as they say the bug is fixed in 2.3, which it clearly is not.

I appreciate your input, just hope K2 has a solution


Olivier Nolbert said:Very strange, indeed...
When you click on the "save" button, have you previously entered a title & description and selected a category ?

If you haven't, the item can not be saved and there's a warning message that may be you can not see because of you window size problem...

  • Adam
  • Adam's Avatar
19 Jul 2010 20:37
Sort by Extra Fields was created by Adam

Sort by Extra Fields

Category: English K2 Community

Hi everyone,I'm sorry if this has been covered. I've searched everywhere and only found unanswered posts or the topic changing...I have extra fields for city and state.  And would like to sort in the following order:Ascending:  State > City > TitleIs this not possible?  I'm surprised if it isn't. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance,Adam.
  • Pat Clark
  • Pat Clark's Avatar
19 Jul 2010 01:14
Replied by Pat Clark on topic Extra Fields - Date

Extra Fields - Date

Category: English K2 Community

I'm guessing that merely a date would be a good first step. Anything more, and we'll never see it! :)

Simon Wells (K2 Support) said:Roll Up, Roll Up, buy your tickets here ;)
OK, form an orderly queue.
What specifics do you have?
Would it be better with a plugin that links to a calendar popup selection?

Lets see what we can do.

K2 Support.
  • Dwight Barnard
  • Dwight Barnard's Avatar
19 Jul 2010 00:39
NicEdit WYSIWYG .. not so nice!! was created by Dwight Barnard

NicEdit WYSIWYG .. not so nice!!

Category: English K2 Community

Hi there, 
Having a WYSIWYG editor in K2 v2.3 is a welcome addition, however I came across a very annoying issue.

NicEdit has an unwanted function that I have not been ale to solve. By default NicEdit places a <br> in the content, might not sound like a problem until you start building complex templates you need the extra fields to remain empty in order for the php switch to work ie:


Every time you edit/save/apply changes to a K2 item with an empty textarea extra field, NicEdit  places a <br> in the content of that textarea extra field. Anyone know how to make it go away permanently?

No solution on the NicEdit forums. 

Personally I'd like to see JCE replace NicEdit but that is not possible at present as far as I am aware.

Anyone else having this issue?
  • that library
  • that library's Avatar
04 Jul 2010 18:45

How do I move the K2 "item tools" from side to bottom of article?

Category: English K2 Community

Ok, when I look at k2.css within the GK PostNote template, it delineates the "ItemTools" block to be on the left in its own column like so:

/* --- Additional left column in itemView --- */

#k2Container div.k2itemColumn {float: left; width:220px;}

#k2Container div.itemTools {clear: both; padding: 20px; }

#k2Container div.itemTools ul li { line-height: 2.5; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc}

#k2Container div.itemTools a.itemEmailLink {margin-left: 6px; padding-left: 6px; border-left: 1px solid #ddd}

whereas in the k2.css (in components/com_k2/css/k2.css) it does not anywhere say "itemTools" at all... each of the "tools" are just delineated separately, typically with a "display:block;float:left;"...

I switched the template to Ja_Purity and the font re-size, print & email, + author were at the top of the article, with the "additional info" (extra fields) at the bottom.

And the social sharing graphic buttons don't show up when I switched the template to Ja_Purity either? Weird!

I don't want to take all of these "itemTools" OUT, I just don't know how to move them to the top and bottom of the article within the PostNote template (like it does here) for example, just removing that left column entirely... any ideas?

I don't mean to be dense, I just don't know how to eliminate the column and put these items where (in my opinion) they look much better...
  • Nick WesternTune
  • Nick WesternTune's Avatar
02 Jul 2010 10:40
Replied by Nick WesternTune on topic Extra Fields Order

Extra Fields Order

Category: English K2 Community

Lownotes said:try clicking on the column header first . Click "order" at the top of the column, then you can order the fields.

Wow, thank you very much! I considered it's impossible until i saw this thread!
  • Filippo Orlando
  • Filippo Orlando's Avatar
02 Jul 2010 01:10
Replied by Filippo Orlando on topic [SOLVED] Managing a live weather-cams' catalog

[SOLVED] Managing a live weather-cams' catalog

Category: English K2 Community said:NOW, I HAVE ANOTHER NEW PROBLEM. If you click on a webcam's picture (no matter where you do it), you will notice a lightbox effect that I decided to use in order to get a "cooler" way to show the webcams in their original size. It's this "JCEPOPUP" plugin: Do you know it? So, this is the code that I put in an item's the main field:
&lt;a class="jcepopup" href=""><img height="188" width="250" src="/"/><br/></a>; <hr id="system-readmore"/><a class="jcepopup" href="/"><img height="375" width="500" src="/"/></a>​

Well, the problem is that I think that this plugin, some way, conflicts with my website's code (template's css? I'm not an expert, I really don't know). In fact, my template go nuts, putting some ugly extra-icons I don't want in the preview's items. And if you click on them you'll see the webcam in the original size. Have a look at these two screenshots:

1) My website using Safari browser:

2) My website using Firefox for Mac:

What is this? PLEASE HELP ME, how can I solve it?

  • Filippo Orlando
  • Filippo Orlando's Avatar
01 Jul 2010 20:57
Replied by Filippo Orlando on topic [SOLVED] Managing a live weather-cams' catalog

[SOLVED] Managing a live weather-cams' catalog

Category: English K2 Community

I've partly solved the issue, with this trick: I put a resized picture (250 x 188 px) of a webcam in one item's main field. This picture is "the thumbnail". After the picture I put a "read more" line, and then I put the same picture, but in a larger size (500 x 375 px). Then I set my website in order to show the first picture only in the category previews, but not in the detailed item's page, so basically the result is this:

Category previews:

Detailed item:

NOW, I HAVE ANOTHER NEW PROBLEM. If you click on a webcam's picture (no matter where you do it), you will notice a lightbox effect that I decided to use in order to get a "cooler" way to show the webcams in their original size. It's this "JCEPOPUP" plugin: Do you know it? So, this is the code that I put in an item's the main field:

&lt;a class="jcepopup" href=""><img height="188" width="250" src="/"/><br/></a>; <hr id="system-readmore"/><a class="jcepopup" href="/"><img height="375" width="500" src="/"/></a>​

Well, the problem is that I think that this plugin, some way, conflicts with my website's code (template's css? I'm not an expert, I really don't know). In fact, my template go nuts, putting some ugly extra-icons I don't want in the preview's items. And if you click on them you'll see the webcam in the original size. Have a look at these two screenshots:

1) My website using Safari browser:

2) My website using Firefox for Mac:

What is this? PLEASE HELP ME, how can I solve it?
  • Duc Nguyen
  • Duc Nguyen's Avatar
27 Jun 2010 07:23
K 2.2 User guide for new users was created by Duc Nguyen

K 2.2 User guide for new users

Category: English K2 Community

(...all are welcomed to add to this user guide...)

Understanding the big picture design of K2 category-subcategory-item layout-listing and the component and category parameters of K2 will help you get the most out of K2.

The whole system of k2 seemingly is (IMHO):
CATEGORY LISTING--&gt; SUBCATEGORY LISTING (multiple subcategory allowed)--&gt; ITEM LISTING--&gt; ITEM

The item is the article (your piece of writing).

The item listing is a listing of items in a subcategory or category, if no subcategory exist. The item listing could list items that's shortened or fully displayed with a "Read more".

The subcategory listing is the listing of subcategory or category, if no subcategory exist. 

The category listing is the layout display of listed category.

The parameters of the k2 component and category are ways of customerization for how the whole system would look. In order to test out the parameters, you need to create a category, subcategory, and an item. Playing with the parameters will actually result in changes that you could see. 

To create things, go to the dashboard. Create a category first, a subcategory (category with another category as the parent/root), and an item. 

The parameter of K2 component, found by the trash can icon in the upper right corner, come setup mostly system-wise. Personalization is needed for Twitter account, additional social button, comments chronological ordering setting, recaptcha, and avatar setting usually need to be changed or added by you. That's about it. The parameters of k2, the component, specifically let determine CSS and way more:
1. CSS setting of k2
2. Image Setting
3. Layout &amp; view options for users (author) pages (...make title into link. ususally activated to "show")
4. Layout &amp; view option for Search, Tag, &amp; Date listing
6. Social setting (additional social button)
7. RSS Feed setting
8. Content Cleanup setting (...may strip image in item)
9. Extra field setting
10. Frontend editing
11. Advanced setting

The parameters for Category set up the category, subcategory, item listing, and item layouts. It's easier to managed category, subcategory, item listing, and items if you set a parent category setting and set the children subcategory to inherit parameter of the parent category repeatedly.

Category parameters has 5 major tabs and many setting within each tab.
1. Category item layout
2. Category view options
3. Item image options
4. Item view options in category listings
5. Item view options

1. Layout template
A. Select a template

2. Layout grid
A. Leading count
B. Columns for leading (determines how item listing layout is displayed in number of columns)
C. Other Layout option
A. Catalog mode (...hide or show item listing under listing of category)
B. Featured items show or hide
C. Item ordering
D. ect..

CATEGORY VIEW OPTIONS (setting for category and subcategory listing)
0. For Category, show or hide title, item counter next to title, description, image or RSS feed.

1. Sub-category handling
A. Subcategory blocks hide or show
B. Columns (...determine how the subcategory are displayed in numbers of columns).
C. Ordering
D. Title
E. Item counter

Link on title

ITEM VIEW OPTIONS IN CATEGORY LISTINGS (layout of summarized or not item in item listing layout)
Introtext (show or hide intro text)
Introtext word limit (limit how may words will be displayed in the summarized items in item listing layout. the introtext will not display any image. to get an image to display, you must upload an image in the image tab.)
Turning off image gallery, if any, is probably good because the gallery could break out of layout and ruin the listing.

Setting of item.
  • Thor Johannes Wang
  • Thor Johannes Wang's Avatar
12 Jun 2010 00:46
Importing users from external database via CSV was created by Thor Johannes Wang

Importing users from external database via CSV

Category: English K2 Community

Hi everybody! I am quite new to Joomla! and just found out about K2!I have a problem that I can't seem to find a good solution or plugin for.
I need to be able to add users form an external database into Joomla! and K2. (CSV?)
The users have more fields than the default ones for a user in Joomla! and consequently, all new users have to be able to fill out these extra fields.

After some trial and error I was able to add new columns in jos_users and corresponding order of columns in the CSV-file. This resulted in a successful addition in the table, however the user is not to be found under User Management, and therefore cannot be used.

I have looked at various plugins and techniques, (userport, scripts etc) but can't seem to find anything suited my task. Also: will the passwords(MD5-hashed) transfer over smoothly?

Help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
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