Tool for importing / exporting items to / from K2
- Individual IT
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- Victor
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Used to use latest versions of your products, now realized those were bugs, so steadily lowering the dose of this drug and coming out cleaner and cleaner
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- Individual IT
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- Victor
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Used to use latest versions of your products, now realized those were bugs, so steadily lowering the dose of this drug and coming out cleaner and cleaner
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- Victor
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Used to use latest versions of your products, now realized those were bugs, so steadily lowering the dose of this drug and coming out cleaner and cleaner
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- drknickel
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Individual IT wrote: @drknickel please delete /administrator/components/com_k2import and /components/com_k2import and see if you can reinstall then.
The directorys are deleted, still does not work:
Komponenteninstallation: Datenbankfunktion erzeugt keine Fehlermeldungen
Fehler bei der Komponenten-Installation.
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- Individual IT
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I will send your money back.
BTW: my page says: "the version 1.x is for Joomla 1.5 /1.6 / 1.7 / 2.5; the version 2.x is for Joomla 3.x"
Might help to read before complaning in such unnice way.
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- Individual IT
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- Developer of the K2 Import / Export Tool
Please contact me on my contact form and we can exchange PGP details to make you able the send me your admin details encrypted so I can debug it on your host.
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- Igor
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- Individual IT
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- Igor
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- Individual IT
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I strogly advise not to use the outdated Joomla 2.5
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- Sean Butterworth
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The "Instructions" button in the component's control panel leads to a page at JoomlaWorks with the following error message:
"Access Denied
You do not have permissions to access this page."
Even though I'm logged in at JoomlaWorks.
The same applies to the "Manual" link on your website
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- Individual IT
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it should lead to this forum. Sorry I forgot to update the link in the component after the K2 forum was moved.
Thank you to point that out. I will change it in the next version
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- Peer
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I want to use the import export tool to update the image and image_gallery which I thought would be easier with this tool.
However I'm struggling with the import.
On a test-system I've got J3.4.1 and k2 2.6.8 installed. k2_import export is 2.2 based on windows Xampp
In my testfile I've got "ID","Image","Images for the Gallery" with two rows of data. The IDs from the csv-file are the same than the item IDs within k2_items-table and charset is utf8.
I always end up with the error-massage shown below.
- I then updated components/com_k2_views/item/view.html.php manually due to the date issue. no effect.
- I then updated to k2 2.6.9, no effect.
- My item titles and aliases are getting overwritten by "imported-item-2015-07-09-10-23-xx"
What are the minimum values to only "update" k2 items by selected id given in the csv file and which options shall be selected to configute only for an update?
many thanks, Peer
the errormessage is as follows:
importing items, please stand by
items were imported, but with some problems:
row: 1 - save item -
"" is not a valid date in the "created" column. Will set to 2015-07-09 10:41:28
"" is not a valid date in the "Publish Up" column. Will set to 2015-07-09 10:41:28
"" is not a valid date in the "Publish Down" column. Will set to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 what means "never"
row: 1 - save image - Local file doesn't exist. tmp/k2_import/C2-Leather-Basic.png
row: 2 - save item -
"" is not a valid date in the "created" column. Will set to 2015-07-09 10:41:28
"" is not a valid date in the "Publish Up" column. Will set to 2015-07-09 10:41:28
"" is not a valid date in the "Publish Down" column. Will set to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 what means "never"
could not copy the file tmp/k2_import/C1-White-Semi.png
could not copy the file tmp/k2_import/C1-White-Basic.png
could not copy the file tmp/k2_import/C1-White-Full.png
row: 2 - save image - Local file doesn't exist. tmp/k2_import/C1-White-Semi.png
Row: 2 / memory peak: 7.5 MB
Import finished
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- Individual IT
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- Developer of the K2 Import / Export Tool
check the date and time formats in your CSV file. It should be "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" e.g. "2012-05-16 15:17:14". If you saved the file with a spreadsheet software like Excel or Openoffice check the CSV file with a text editor before importing.
Where did you store the images for the import?
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- Peer
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I didn'nt had the datefiels within my export. My colums were only "ID","Image","Images for the Gallery"
However, I tried further on an added the colums "title","created","publish_up","publish_down" from the database.
I suggest that the title always gets rewritten e.g. the alias and the import script loops the date fields.
With these fields added to the import I don't get an error anymore. That was not what I suggested for an update for the image and gallery but it works in the meantime.
I suppose that you can't reproduce this, don't you?
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- Individual IT
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sorry I do not understand you.
According to your first post you had the date-fields:
- created
- Published Up
- Published Down
For recreating the alias field just do set "Alias" to "take standard value" in the "associate the fields" window or delete the column in the CSV file all together
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- Individual IT
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- Developer of the K2 Import / Export Tool
- Import/Export category images
- images/gallery images/category images/attachments can be imported from an URL
- easier selection of sub-categories during the import
- Place items into correct category if the import has to overwrite based on ID
- Help link updated
- path for images/gallery images/category images/attachments can be anywhere on the server, does not need to be under the joomla folder
find the new version here:
If you already bought this extension please also check if your download link is still valid. You get the update for free if your download link is still active. It stays active for 10 days for every EUR you have paid.
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- Victor
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Just purchased this tool and it's working great.
However I'm using two different K2 plugins for adding multiple categories and extra field groups per item.
Is it possible to import item into multiple categories?
How about import also the information of all Extra Field Groups into item (not only one)?
Please advice.
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