
K2 Add new item window resize

  • Jasper Newton
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14 years 4 months ago #87227 by Jasper Newton
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 Add new item window resize
for THE love of god.

Firstly, have just released an updated version of their template, WITH A CHANGELOG!!!!! no important files were overwritten (i didn't have to alter stupid files over and over again) But then they have a consultation process, they get it right, they help their customers, they also ask their customers if there are any faults, and if they are, instead of them saying "nope, its not a bug," or completely ignoring their customers, they say "thanks for pointing that out, its a problem for you, therefore its a problem for us, we'll fix it"

Take a look at how many forum posts you have on this site alone with users having problems with your component, your arrogance and ignorance is obviously solving them.

The only people who should be embarrased are yourselves. How many different ways do I need to put it? Am I talking a different language? IT IS NOT ME WHO IS HAVING A PROBLEM I KNOW THE SOLUTION, IT IS FUTURE CUSTOMERS WHO WILL BE PUT OFF BY THIS PROBLEM. Is that clear enough for you? NOT ME, FUTURE CUSTOMERS. (as in NOT me)

Jesus H christ.

Here's what I'm going to do, leave this thread for anybody actually looking for help with this ridiculous problem and instead of having to listen and put up with this. Seriously, tho, your now saying if id have asked a different question i might have got help? how utterly pathetic is that.

Anybody wishing help or support for this problem PM me, ill try and help,

I'M going to save this thread and publish it as a guide how not to help, plus In ten years ill still not believe this ever took place. I should be embarrassed?????, yes for trying to help, for trying to find a solution, whereas the correct method is clearly be as arrogant and unhelpful as I can be. FYI people who have thanked me , I'm glad Ive helped you,

Good day to you all

By far the most unhelpful people i've ever met

Svein Wisnaes said:Jasper, Christian -
I think you have gone far enough in bashing someone that is actually telling you what to do.

First of all - as you are selling websites to a customer YOU are responsible for knowing all the tools you are using. And I have offered to help you getting to know the things that you need to know.

You hold the help you got from JoomlaWorks up as an example on how it should be done. What do you think will happen when there is a new version of the template? You know that templates has to be updated from time to time because of security issues? What do you think will happen when the customer updates his template?

What we all have told you is that what you need to do is use a template override. We have concluded that nothing in this thread is a bug. The size of the editor window is as big as it should be. The fact that you want it smaller is a totally legitimate thing. But I, on the other hand, want it bigger. So we both have to make adjustments. The difference is that my adjustments will survive an upgrade...

Joomla itself is built in a way that you should use template overrides to change things. This is NOT unique for K2, but it sounds like this is something totally new for you. K2 is much closer to a "finished" solution than many of the other tools around. If you have ever looked at SOBI2, you would find the learning curve is MUCH steeper. Don't bash the one giving you something free that YOU can earn money from!

If you instead ask "Where can I find out something more about template overrides?" there are several resources. I have already told you that I am willing to help, and I will do so. You are a website builder. You get paid to do a job. Part of that job is customizing the tools you have at hand and learning how to use them the best way.

Can we please move on and get to the learning part? To be honest - I think you will understand a lot better if we just get started. And I think in a while, when you understand that you could have solved this quite easily, you will be quite embarrassed at some of the things you have written here... ;-)

So I suggest that the commenting stops here and that we get on with learning how to use the overrides. Send me a PM (both of you) so we can decide how to get going.

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  • Christian Matthieas
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14 years 4 months ago #87228 by Christian Matthieas
Replied by Christian Matthieas on topic K2 Add new item window resize

who are you? If you don't have something to provide besides asking people for their logins don't say anything. your help isn't needed.

We and I think Jasper feels the same way... If you come into a thread and start lecturing someone and telling someone for example... DON"T HACK THE CORE FILE... and NOT PROVIDE THE "INSTEAD FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND DO THIS" that is a smart arse answer being of NO HELP.

the reason why I hand't, until your last post, put you in that category is because you were trying to see what was going on.

I don't care who it is... K2 himself, god himself, or whoever... if something isn't working right or something needs help/assistance with I am going to post/say it.


K2 isn't perfect if it was the version would be an OMEGA symbol as you couldn't possibly upgrade it anymore... We both know there is NO SOFTWARE THAT IS OMEGA... or god help us we will have the machines using us as batteries.

So, while it is v2.4 or v it can still be improved on and thus they should still take feedback.

I will say this for the last freaking time.

My upsetness came from the "dont do that" and know possible follow up documentation and or instructions with how to do it.

See, just like you SVein when you were writing and you say 30 post's later,,, OHHHHHHHHHH you were using the front end... psshhhh I don't use the front end...<<<<<< see right ther right there that is the problem with saying "DON"T DO THAT. (PERIOD)...

The person responding doesn't know if that DONT DO THAT is a bug or design flaw and NEEDS TO BE DONE...

see the point.

William I will give credit where credit is due. That last post you made was actually informative. THANK YOU.

i am not a jerk and I am not bashing anyone.

get real and get some leather for that skin. Tough UP...

oh while I am at it GO STEELERSSS GO ...

Svein Wisnaes said:Jasper, Christian -I think you have gone far enough in bashing someone that is actually telling you what to do.First of all - as you are selling websites to a customer YOU are responsible for knowing all the tools you are using. And I have offered to help you getting to know the things that you need to know.You hold the help you got from JoomlaWorks up as an example on how it should be done. What do you think will happen when there is a new version of the template? You know that templates has to be updated from time to time because of security issues? What do you think will happen when the customer updates his template?What we all have told you is that what you need to do is use a template override. We have concluded that nothing in this thread is a bug. The size of the editor window is as big as it should be. The fact that you want it smaller is a totally legitimate thing. But I, on the other hand, want it bigger. So we both have to make adjustments. The difference is that my adjustments will survive an upgrade...Joomla itself is built in a way that you should use template overrides to change things. This is NOT unique for K2, but it sounds like this is something totally new for you. K2 is much closer to a "finished" solution than many of the other tools around. If you have ever looked at SOBI2, you would find the learning curve is MUCH steeper. Don't bash the one giving you something free that YOU can earn money from!If you instead ask "Where can I find out something more about template overrides?" there are several resources. I have already told you that I am willing to help, and I will do so. You are a website builder. You get paid to do a job. Part of that job is customizing the tools you have at hand and learning how to use them the best way.Can we please move on and get to the learning part? To be honest - I think you will understand a lot better if we just get started. And I think in a while, when you understand that you could have solved this quite easily, you will be quite embarrassed at some of the things you have written here... ;-)So I suggest that the commenting stops here and that we get on with learning how to use the overrides. Send me a PM (both of you) so we can decide how to get going.

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14 years 4 months ago #87229 by Oceanwatcher
Replied by Oceanwatcher on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Who am I? I am just a user. Nothing more.

Jasper - check my profile, do a wider search on the net. I am not affiliated with JoomlaWorks in any way. I have offered to help. I have not demanded any login. I have asked you guys to contact me so that we can figure out how to best go about helping you. That does not need to include usernames and passwords. I am totally capable of guiding you to get the effect you need. But to get there, we need to communicate, not shout...

And Christian - you actually posted username and password here for everyone to see...

I am volunteering my time here to help you guys so you can move on and learn something. And the thank you I get is badmouthing from you... Yes, you should feel ashamed.

To anyone reading this - this is not the way of asking for help. This is pushing all the help as far away as possible.

And for anyone reading this thread just at the end - the whole problem in a nutshell:

When you use front-end editing in K2, you get the article editor in a modal. This window have a certain size, and depending on your monitor size it might fit or not.

You can, as with everything else, change this size by modifying settings in the template part, and K2 follows what is the standard in Joomla: To not loose your edits during an upgrade, you apply edits to a template override. This is common practice, but takes a little bit of time to learn.

When someone tell you that the solution is to use a template override and never change core code, this is as straight as it can be. As this is a community forum that is searchable, it is expected that you are able to start searching based on this answer. And if you are not able to find anything, then come back and ask for specifications and help.

The two people that complain in this thread has been offered help to get through the learning process, but has instead decided to bash everyone in sight, even those that actually offer to help. They openly admit that they are making websites for customers, earning money off something they get for free. And that is great. But in a community forum, it is an absolute no-no to start bashing the developers and the people trying to help. This is something that hurts projects like this big time.

They already found out what to change to get the effect you wanted. They were just doing it at the wrong place.

My offer to help stands, but I must admit, I am not feeling too well with the hostility I have seen here. And that has nothing to do with being sensitive. Far from it. It is about treating the people around you with respect.

This is my last post in this thread. And none of us can decide if we want to leave this thread up or not. Only the forum admin can do that :-) But I really wish it is left here so everyone can know what has been offered.

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  • Jasper Newton
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14 years 4 months ago #87230 by Jasper Newton
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 Add new item window resize
There are two things people will take away from this thread;

1) its nice to see somebody bothering to take the time to help everybody for nothing,

2) no wonder the poor lad got so frustrated, have you actually read the responses hes had?

I have time and time again posted the problem, all you people do is ignore the problem, and spend all your time telling me what i shouldn't do. Then when I've gotten so frustrated with your attitudes, you lecture me on how i should address people. Although you do write nice speeches, you STILL, have not solved the problem this thread was created for, nor do i note, have any intentions to do so

So far, you have told me how much you want to help me with template overrides.No matter how many ways I tell you that is not the problem you keep offering it as the solution. Not once have I ever asked you for help on template overrides. I am safe in the knowledge I have helped at least two people, which is more than you have done on here.

For whatever reason (attitude being the key) K2 and all involved do not like being told they have a problem. Whilst you suggest help is being pushed away, help is not needed when it is not asked for (as i have quite clearly explained several times) Further more you have continually made assumptions about me; 1) that i am making money on something which is free. I will not be making any money from k2, but thank you for deciding that for me. 2) I am a paid web designer. This is a hobby for me, I do not work as a web designer. I have already since asking people fro comments to send to k2, have had several (37 so far) people asking me if you people are actually all for real, thanking me for fighting on past the blind ignorance,and confirming they are at their wits end with this problem. We must all be wrong.

Congratulations to all at k2, and their associates for wasting 7 pages of a Forum without helping anybody with the problem that was asked for help on.

Svein Wisnaes said:Who am I? I am just a user. Nothing more.
Jasper - check my profile, do a wider search on the net. I am not affiliated with JoomlaWorks in any way. I have offered to help. I have not demanded any login. I have asked you guys to contact me so that we can figure out how to best go about helping you. That does not need to include usernames and passwords. I am totally capable of guiding you to get the effect you need. But to get there, we need to communicate, not shout...

And Christian - you actually posted username and password here for everyone to see...

I am volunteering my time here to help you guys so you can move on and learn something. And the thank you I get is badmouthing from you... Yes, you should feel ashamed.

To anyone reading this - this is not the way of asking for help. This is pushing all the help as far away as possible.

And for anyone reading this thread just at the end - the whole problem in a nutshell:

When you use front-end editing in K2, you get the article editor in a modal. This window have a certain size, and depending on your monitor size it might fit or not.

You can, as with everything else, change this size by modifying settings in the template part, and K2 follows what is the standard in Joomla: To not loose your edits during an upgrade, you apply edits to a template override. This is common practice, but takes a little bit of time to learn.

When someone tell you that the solution is to use a template override and never change core code, this is as straight as it can be. As this is a community forum that is searchable, it is expected that you are able to start searching based on this answer. And if you are not able to find anything, then come back and ask for specifications and help.

The two people that complain in this thread has been offered help to get through the learning process, but has instead decided to bash everyone in sight, even those that actually offer to help. They openly admit that they are making websites for customers, earning money off something they get for free. And that is great. But in a community forum, it is an absolute no-no to start bashing the developers and the people trying to help. This is something that hurts projects like this big time.

They already found out what to change to get the effect you wanted. They were just doing it at the wrong place.

My offer to help stands, but I must admit, I am not feeling too well with the hostility I have seen here. And that has nothing to do with being sensitive. Far from it. It is about treating the people around you with respect.

This is my last post in this thread. And none of us can decide if we want to leave this thread up or not. Only the forum admin can do that :-) But I really wish it is left here so everyone can know what has been offered.

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  • Christian Matthieas
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14 years 4 months ago #87231 by Christian Matthieas
Replied by Christian Matthieas on topic K2 Add new item window resize
holly molly what? I posted my user name and password? where and in what post? you can't be serious...

where can you copy and paste... i don' think I did that.

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14 years 4 months ago #87232 by Scott Osteen
Replied by Scott Osteen on topic K2 Add new item window resize
That was me.

Christian Matthieas said:holly molly what? I posted my user name and password? where and in what post? you can't be serious...
where can you copy and paste... i don' think I did that.

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14 years 4 months ago #87233 by Lefteris
Replied by Lefteris on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Why do you have to do all these customizations again? You should do the modifications in your template overrides ( in the Joomla! template folder). This way you shouldn' have any problems after upgrading.

Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris,
Thank you for your response,

I am struggling to see how the point is not being taken on board;

I/we know, that the fields CAN be overwritten I/we KNOW the files can be modified, I/we KNOW that there are many customizations that can be done, all of these things, we KNOW and are well aware of.

******HERE IS THE POINT****************;
when we upgrade to a new version of K2, we have to do all these customizations again. WHY? why can't k2 incorporate a simple backend size option, instead of the 12 files x 4 sites I have to do every-time? , if I haven't made myself clear enough, I am not asking if it is possible to change the modal window size, I am asking why K2 wont incorporate this with a change-log? please re-read my previous post about the damage this WILL have to prospective customers. Am i to assume then a bug can only be a bug if you decide it is? whats the point of having a bug report system? What would be nice if somebody, just one person from K2 would spend half as much effort in to addressing this issue instead of telling us there's no problem.
Lefteris Kavadas said:First of all the window size values are on template files which means that they can be overwritten. We put there some default values. So when a user has such issues he can increase his screen resolution. Alternatively you can override the template files and set whatever dimension you like. I still cannot get where the bug is. Jasper Newton said:Hi Svein, I apologize if my post (s) have in anyway appeared directed at yourself, my frustration gets the better of me. My frustration/disbelief is with K2
As I have explained before, this annoyance s a bug. it is a bug because K2 say its a bug, who am I to argue?

My sites are running Joomla 1.5.18 and now K2 2.4.1. However this has been an issue since K2 was released, across all versions.

Here is the problem;

The modal window pops up too large so you cannot see the top and bottom of it WITH or WITHOUT a scroll-bar. I am using K2 store plugin, and you cannot see the price field (a Massive problem on a shopping site)!!!!!! but also this a problem on all my sites. Secondly If you can actually get to see the save and cancel buttons,the save button, whilst saving the item, doesn't close the window.
It does say item saved, but guess what, you cant see that because the modal window is too big, now as somebody mentioned on here (sorry forgot who) we know that its saved, we know we don't have to worry because we know it s a bug, plus we can back end it. It is a potentially paying customer who will not only leave my site, but could damage my future business with bad reports and ratings, all because of a nonsense problem to which a solution has been found. I am so passionate about this because I care about my customers experience with my company.
the front end user will struggle to a point where they give it up, hence why I and others do see it as a massive problem. More so when we have provided the solution, there is absolutely no excuse for it not to be done.

All my user permissions and category setups have been done.It is therefore a fault for the end user. The user would see this as a bug and go elsewhere.

Here's what Ive done to help resolve the situation;

1) found the solution
2) contacted K2 twice
3) contacted joomlaworks on 3 occasions
4) brought it to k2 supports attention
5) started this thread off to further highlight the problem
6) posted a blog on the front page to highlight this problem

Here's what k2 have done;

I have to say I am so very grateful of the time you have so far spent trying to help.


Svein Wisnaes said:Good start as a report, but need some more info: Website URL Joomla version Template you are using (and version) Browser you use to view your site Operating system running on your computer

I have added my findings to the report. Let's see what happens.

BTW - the link you provided here is wrong. The correct link is:

If you are quick, you might be able to edit it :-)

Here is something important:

I want to come back to the problem with the window size. Can you provide the info I asked about in the last post? I would like to get to the bottom of this problem as I do not get the it on my own computer.

JoomlaWorks Support Team
Please search the forum before posting a new topic :)

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  • Jasper Newton
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14 years 4 months ago #87234 by Jasper Newton
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Dear Lefteris

Please, I emplore you to re-read this thread.

I have to re do the customizations because k2 update overwrote them all, then again in 2.4.1. I back the sites up every day without fail but they are pointless if K2 is going to overwrite the files. Template Overrides will not solve the problem that we are all experiencing. I can override the template, but say i then sell the product to a customer, the override wouldn't work for them, All that will do is stop ME and ME alone from having to keep updating.

What would be nice is instead of keep being asked what I might be doing wrong, for K2 to say "this is a problem everyone is experiencing, well fix it"

Please answer me this one question; why have K2 not, or are you going to at least consider, implementing a backend option so everybody can set the pop up modal window to their own specification AS OPPOSED to hacking core files?

This way every user for ever wont need to override anything/hack core files. I have said it 8 times now, there is no possible reason for not doing. If your too busy and its zero on your list, fine, then just say so.

Svein keeps saying its not a bug. K2 have already responded to me in a much earlier thread saying it was and they've fixed it; (quote)
reply by Simon Wells (K2 Support) on May 11, 2010 at 7:21pm
This is a known bug.
I have tested and reported this, it is fixed and working in the V2.3svn (beta only)

K2 Support

, which one is it? either it is or is not (i note this point keeps being ignored by Svein)

And William suggests we should change our learning styles. We are all here to learn, hence us asking the questions, hence us having forum posts, But a student learns nothing from a poor teacher.

Is this honestly how you feel your users should be treated?

Lefteris Kavadas said:Why do you have to do all these customizations again? You should do the modifications in your template overrides ( in the Joomla! template folder). This way you shouldn' have any problems after upgrading. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris, Thank you for your response,
I am struggling to see how the point is not being taken on board;

I/we know, that the fields CAN be overwritten I/we KNOW the files can be modified, I/we KNOW that there are many customizations that can be done, all of these things, we KNOW and are well aware of.

******HERE IS THE POINT****************;
when we upgrade to a new version of K2, we have to do all these customizations again. WHY? why can't k2 incorporate a simple backend size option, instead of the 12 files x 4 sites I have to do every-time? , if I haven't made myself clear enough, I am not asking if it is possible to change the modal window size, I am asking why K2 wont incorporate this with a change-log? please re-read my previous post about the damage this WILL have to prospective customers. Am i to assume then a bug can only be a bug if you decide it is? whats the point of having a bug report system? What would be nice if somebody, just one person from K2 would spend half as much effort in to addressing this issue instead of telling us there's no problem.
Lefteris Kavadas said:First of all the window size values are on template files which means that they can be overwritten. We put there some default values. So when a user has such issues he can increase his screen resolution. Alternatively you can override the template files and set whatever dimension you like. I still cannot get where the bug is. Jasper Newton said:Hi Svein, I apologize if my post (s) have in anyway appeared directed at yourself, my frustration gets the better of me. My frustration/disbelief is with K2 As I have explained before, this annoyance s a bug. it is a bug because K2 say its a bug, who am I to argue?
My sites are running Joomla 1.5.18 and now K2 2.4.1. However this has been an issue since K2 was released, across all versions.

Here is the problem;

The modal window pops up too large so you cannot see the top and bottom of it WITH or WITHOUT a scroll-bar. I am using K2 store plugin, and you cannot see the price field (a Massive problem on a shopping site)!!!!!! but also this a problem on all my sites. Secondly If you can actually get to see the save and cancel buttons,the save button, whilst saving the item, doesn't close the window.
It does say item saved, but guess what, you cant see that because the modal window is too big, now as somebody mentioned on here (sorry forgot who) we know that its saved, we know we don't have to worry because we know it s a bug, plus we can back end it. It is a potentially paying customer who will not only leave my site, but could damage my future business with bad reports and ratings, all because of a nonsense problem to which a solution has been found. I am so passionate about this because I care about my customers experience with my company.
the front end user will struggle to a point where they give it up, hence why I and others do see it as a massive problem. More so when we have provided the solution, there is absolutely no excuse for it not to be done.

All my user permissions and category setups have been done.It is therefore a fault for the end user. The user would see this as a bug and go elsewhere.

Here's what Ive done to help resolve the situation;

1) found the solution
2) contacted K2 twice
3) contacted joomlaworks on 3 occasions
4) brought it to k2 supports attention
5) started this thread off to further highlight the problem
6) posted a blog on the front page to highlight this problem

Here's what k2 have done;

I have to say I am so very grateful of the time you have so far spent trying to help.


Svein Wisnaes said:Good start as a report, but need some more info: Website URL Joomla version Template you are using (and version) Browser you use to view your site Operating system running on your computer I have added my findings to the report. Let's see what happens.

BTW - the link you provided here is wrong. The correct link is:

If you are quick, you might be able to edit it :-)

Here is something important:

I want to come back to the problem with the window size. Can you provide the info I asked about in the last post? I would like to get to the bottom of this problem as I do not get the it on my own computer.

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  • Christian Matthieas
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14 years 4 months ago #87235 by Christian Matthieas
Replied by Christian Matthieas on topic K2 Add new item window resize
What floors me si this thread is just going on and on and on and on. And no K2 response... Not once. ooo I see a thing that says k2 support team.

Perhaps I will go over to that link K2 Support Team...

hmmm. I bet you help is over there.

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14 years 4 months ago #87236 by Christian Matthieas
Replied by Christian Matthieas on topic K2 Add new item window resize
The page was big white and blank. go figure.

I applied to provide help and shake things up over there.

Here is what I wrote.

I want to help K2 get things done and provide support in a serious way making the K2 product stronger. I don't know all things but I know a lot and feel I would be a great asset to the team.

Thanks for your support.

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14 years 4 months ago #87237 by Lefteris
Replied by Lefteris on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Please tell me something, what exactly are you going to sell to your customers? In case you are talking about a website you will sell them also the site template which contains the overrides.

Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris
Please, I emplore you to re-read this thread.

I have to re do the customizations because k2 update overwrote them all, then again in 2.4.1. I back the sites up every day without fail but they are pointless if K2 is going to overwrite the files. Template Overrides will not solve the problem that we are all experiencing. I can override the template, but say i then sell the product to a customer, the override wouldn't work for them, All that will do is stop ME and ME alone from having to keep updating.

What would be nice is instead of keep being asked what I might be doing wrong, for K2 to say "this is a problem everyone is experiencing, well fix it"

Please answer me this one question; why have K2 not, or are you going to at least consider, implementing a backend option so everybody can set the pop up modal window to their own specification AS OPPOSED to hacking core files?

This way every user for ever wont need to override anything/hack core files. I have said it 8 times now, there is no possible reason for not doing. If your too busy and its zero on your list, fine, then just say so.

Svein keeps saying its not a bug. K2 have already responded to me in a much earlier thread saying it was and they've fixed it; (quote)
reply by Simon Wells (K2 Support) on May 11, 2010 at 7:21pm
This is a known bug.
I have tested and reported this, it is fixed and working in the V2.3svn (beta only)

K2 Support

, which one is it? either it is or is not (i note this point keeps being ignored by Svein)

And William suggests we should change our learning styles. We are all here to learn, hence us asking the questions, hence us having forum posts, But a student learns nothing from a poor teacher.

Is this honestly how you feel your users should be treated?

Lefteris Kavadas said:Why do you have to do all these customizations again? You should do the modifications in your template overrides ( in the Joomla! template folder). This way you shouldn' have any problems after upgrading. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris, Thank you for your response, I am struggling to see how the point is not being taken on board;

I/we know, that the fields CAN be overwritten I/we KNOW the files can be modified, I/we KNOW that there are many customizations that can be done, all of these things, we KNOW and are well aware of.

******HERE IS THE POINT****************;
when we upgrade to a new version of K2, we have to do all these customizations again. WHY? why can't k2 incorporate a simple backend size option, instead of the 12 files x 4 sites I have to do every-time? , if I haven't made myself clear enough, I am not asking if it is possible to change the modal window size, I am asking why K2 wont incorporate this with a change-log? please re-read my previous post about the damage this WILL have to prospective customers. Am i to assume then a bug can only be a bug if you decide it is? whats the point of having a bug report system? What would be nice if somebody, just one person from K2 would spend half as much effort in to addressing this issue instead of telling us there's no problem.
Lefteris Kavadas said:First of all the window size values are on template files which means that they can be overwritten. We put there some default values. So when a user has such issues he can increase his screen resolution. Alternatively you can override the template files and set whatever dimension you like. I still cannot get where the bug is. Jasper Newton said:Hi Svein, I apologize if my post (s) have in anyway appeared directed at yourself, my frustration gets the better of me. My frustration/disbelief is with K2 As I have explained before, this annoyance s a bug. it is a bug because K2 say its a bug, who am I to argue? My sites are running Joomla 1.5.18 and now K2 2.4.1. However this has been an issue since K2 was released, across all versions.

Here is the problem;

The modal window pops up too large so you cannot see the top and bottom of it WITH or WITHOUT a scroll-bar. I am using K2 store plugin, and you cannot see the price field (a Massive problem on a shopping site)!!!!!! but also this a problem on all my sites. Secondly If you can actually get to see the save and cancel buttons,the save button, whilst saving the item, doesn't close the window.
It does say item saved, but guess what, you cant see that because the modal window is too big, now as somebody mentioned on here (sorry forgot who) we know that its saved, we know we don't have to worry because we know it s a bug, plus we can back end it. It is a potentially paying customer who will not only leave my site, but could damage my future business with bad reports and ratings, all because of a nonsense problem to which a solution has been found. I am so passionate about this because I care about my customers experience with my company.
the front end user will struggle to a point where they give it up, hence why I and others do see it as a massive problem. More so when we have provided the solution, there is absolutely no excuse for it not to be done.

All my user permissions and category setups have been done.It is therefore a fault for the end user. The user would see this as a bug and go elsewhere.

Here's what Ive done to help resolve the situation;

1) found the solution
2) contacted K2 twice
3) contacted joomlaworks on 3 occasions
4) brought it to k2 supports attention
5) started this thread off to further highlight the problem
6) posted a blog on the front page to highlight this problem

Here's what k2 have done;

I have to say I am so very grateful of the time you have so far spent trying to help.


Svein Wisnaes said:Good start as a report, but need some more info: Website URL Joomla version Template you are using (and version) Browser you use to view your site Operating system running on your computer I have added my findings to the report. Let's see what happens.
BTW - the link you provided here is wrong. The correct link is:

If you are quick, you might be able to edit it :-)

Here is something important:

I want to come back to the problem with the window size. Can you provide the info I asked about in the last post? I would like to get to the bottom of this problem as I do not get the it on my own computer.

JoomlaWorks Support Team
Please search the forum before posting a new topic :)

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  • Christian Matthieas
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14 years 4 months ago #87238 by Christian Matthieas
Replied by Christian Matthieas on topic K2 Add new item window resize

Have we won?

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  • Jasper Newton
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14 years 4 months ago #87239 by Jasper Newton
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Dear Lefteris.

The product (s) we will be hopefully selling are;

Domain names, Websites, training packages, Tutorials and any kind of website, be it from social networking, e-commerce, finance, real estate. This is where the problem that I cant seem to get anybody to understand comes in.

Its all well and good me "knowing all the tools" and learning how to override the template. When I sell that complete package to the end user, They, like Svein, may have different requirements for the size of the modal window, according to their resolution and operating system (I note he is using Linux, I'm on windows,so proof of that is within this thread). Then they will contact me and ask how they can alter it, If I say, "ah well, the thing've got to do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l, and then re-do it every time there's an update, OR I could go through template overrides with you.?" There response will be "behave mate, ill go elsewhere". Damaging my business.

The simple solution here is to have a back end option, like a text field to enter your own size for the window. This would get rid of all of this nonsense.

Suggestions have been made in this thread that I'm some how not grateful for all k2 has done. In my first response to Christian I stated id be lost without K2, and it is a superb component, you should be proud of what you've achieved. All I'm trying so hard to do is resolve a simple problem for a lot of people. This is constructive feedback which helps any company grow and evolve should never be seen as criticism.

When an user of mine contacts my company with a fault, ill do all I can to help. I think you can learn something from that.


Lefteris Kavadas said:Please tell me something, what exactly are you going to sell to your customers? In case you are talking about a website you will sell them also the site template which contains the overrides.
Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris Please, I emplore you to re-read this thread.

I have to re do the customizations because k2 update overwrote them all, then again in 2.4.1. I back the sites up every day without fail but they are pointless if K2 is going to overwrite the files. Template Overrides will not solve the problem that we are all experiencing. I can override the template, but say i then sell the product to a customer, the override wouldn't work for them, All that will do is stop ME and ME alone from having to keep updating.

What would be nice is instead of keep being asked what I might be doing wrong, for K2 to say "this is a problem everyone is experiencing, well fix it"

Please answer me this one question; why have K2 not, or are you going to at least consider, implementing a backend option so everybody can set the pop up modal window to their own specification AS OPPOSED to hacking core files?

This way every user for ever wont need to override anything/hack core files. I have said it 8 times now, there is no possible reason for not doing. If your too busy and its zero on your list, fine, then just say so.

Svein keeps saying its not a bug. K2 have already responded to me in a much earlier thread saying it was and they've fixed it; (quote)
reply by Simon Wells (K2 Support) on May 11, 2010 at 7:21pm
This is a known bug.
I have tested and reported this, it is fixed and working in the V2.3svn (beta only)

K2 Support

, which one is it? either it is or is not (i note this point keeps being ignored by Svein)

And William suggests we should change our learning styles. We are all here to learn, hence us asking the questions, hence us having forum posts, But a student learns nothing from a poor teacher.

Is this honestly how you feel your users should be treated?

Lefteris Kavadas said:Why do you have to do all these customizations again? You should do the modifications in your template overrides ( in the Joomla! template folder). This way you shouldn' have any problems after upgrading. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris, Thank you for your response, I am struggling to see how the point is not being taken on board;
I/we know, that the fields CAN be overwritten I/we KNOW the files can be modified, I/we KNOW that there are many customizations that can be done, all of these things, we KNOW and are well aware of.

******HERE IS THE POINT****************;
when we upgrade to a new version of K2, we have to do all these customizations again. WHY? why can't k2 incorporate a simple backend size option, instead of the 12 files x 4 sites I have to do every-time? , if I haven't made myself clear enough, I am not asking if it is possible to change the modal window size, I am asking why K2 wont incorporate this with a change-log? please re-read my previous post about the damage this WILL have to prospective customers. Am i to assume then a bug can only be a bug if you decide it is? whats the point of having a bug report system? What would be nice if somebody, just one person from K2 would spend half as much effort in to addressing this issue instead of telling us there's no problem.
Lefteris Kavadas said:First of all the window size values are on template files which means that they can be overwritten. We put there some default values. So when a user has such issues he can increase his screen resolution. Alternatively you can override the template files and set whatever dimension you like. I still cannot get where the bug is. Jasper Newton said:Hi Svein, I apologize if my post (s) have in anyway appeared directed at yourself, my frustration gets the better of me. My frustration/disbelief is with K2 As I have explained before, this annoyance s a bug. it is a bug because K2 say its a bug, who am I to argue? My sites are running Joomla 1.5.18 and now K2 2.4.1. However this has been an issue since K2 was released, across all versions.
Here is the problem;

The modal window pops up too large so you cannot see the top and bottom of it WITH or WITHOUT a scroll-bar. I am using K2 store plugin, and you cannot see the price field (a Massive problem on a shopping site)!!!!!! but also this a problem on all my sites. Secondly If you can actually get to see the save and cancel buttons,the save button, whilst saving the item, doesn't close the window.
It does say item saved, but guess what, you cant see that because the modal window is too big, now as somebody mentioned on here (sorry forgot who) we know that its saved, we know we don't have to worry because we know it s a bug, plus we can back end it. It is a potentially paying customer who will not only leave my site, but could damage my future business with bad reports and ratings, all because of a nonsense problem to which a solution has been found. I am so passionate about this because I care about my customers experience with my company.
the front end user will struggle to a point where they give it up, hence why I and others do see it as a massive problem. More so when we have provided the solution, there is absolutely no excuse for it not to be done.

All my user permissions and category setups have been done.It is therefore a fault for the end user. The user would see this as a bug and go elsewhere.

Here's what Ive done to help resolve the situation;

1) found the solution
2) contacted K2 twice
3) contacted joomlaworks on 3 occasions
4) brought it to k2 supports attention
5) started this thread off to further highlight the problem
6) posted a blog on the front page to highlight this problem

Here's what k2 have done;

I have to say I am so very grateful of the time you have so far spent trying to help.


Svein Wisnaes said:Good start as a report, but need some more info: Website URL Joomla version Template you are using (and version) Browser you use to view your site Operating system running on your computer I have added my findings to the report. Let's see what happens. BTW - the link you provided here is wrong. The correct link is:

If you are quick, you might be able to edit it :-)

Here is something important:

I want to come back to the problem with the window size. Can you provide the info I asked about in the last post? I would like to get to the bottom of this problem as I do not get the it on my own computer.

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  • Jasper Newton
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14 years 4 months ago #87240 by Jasper Newton
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Lol, I always air on the side of caution, This thread alone has shown me, that when you think your getting somewhere, Somebody is waiting to ignore your point, lecture you on things you really didn't ask for, and chastise you for daring to question their power. hopefully common sense will prevail

Christian Matthieas said:Jasper
Have we won?

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14 years 4 months ago #87241 by Lefteris
Replied by Lefteris on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Hi. OK lets get things cleared. For users of K2 who wish to change the default size can modify the code in the template overrides so an update will not be a problem. This is how all Joomla! 1.5 extensions work so this rule should apply to all extensions you are using. Your instructions on this were great but they have to be applied in the template files. Now for your customers you have to take care about the product you sell to them. This cannot be accepted as a bug. It is a feature request. K2 owes it's success to it's vibrant community. We always like to hear what people have to say and suggest. We like to implement these requests making their lives easier. Unfortunately this request will be rejected. At least for now. The reason for this is that some of you have been arrogant and rude and with no respect about our work. And since you have such a company you could implement this feature and then commit it back. This is how open source communities work. Thanks.

Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris. The product (s) we will be hopefully selling are;

Domain names, Websites, training packages, Tutorials and any kind of website, be it from social networking, e-commerce, finance, real estate. This is where the problem that I cant seem to get anybody to understand comes in.

Its all well and good me "knowing all the tools" and learning how to override the template. When I sell that complete package to the end user, They, like Svein, may have different requirements for the size of the modal window, according to their resolution and operating system (I note he is using Linux, I'm on windows,so proof of that is within this thread). Then they will contact me and ask how they can alter it, If I say, "ah well, the thing've got to do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l, and then re-do it every time there's an update, OR I could go through template overrides with you.?" There response will be "behave mate, ill go elsewhere". Damaging my business.

The simple solution here is to have a back end option, like a text field to enter your own size for the window. This would get rid of all of this nonsense.

Suggestions have been made in this thread that I'm some how not grateful for all k2 has done. In my first response to Christian I stated id be lost without K2, and it is a superb component, you should be proud of what you've achieved. All I'm trying so hard to do is resolve a simple problem for a lot of people. This is constructive feedback which helps any company grow and evolve should never be seen as criticism.

When an user of mine contacts my company with a fault, ill do all I can to help. I think you can learn something from that.


Lefteris Kavadas said:Please tell me something, what exactly are you going to sell to your customers? In case you are talking about a website you will sell them also the site template which contains the overrides. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris Please, I emplore you to re-read this thread. I have to re do the customizations because k2 update overwrote them all, then again in 2.4.1. I back the sites up every day without fail but they are pointless if K2 is going to overwrite the files. Template Overrides will not solve the problem that we are all experiencing. I can override the template, but say i then sell the product to a customer, the override wouldn't work for them, All that will do is stop ME and ME alone from having to keep updating.

What would be nice is instead of keep being asked what I might be doing wrong, for K2 to say "this is a problem everyone is experiencing, well fix it"

Please answer me this one question; why have K2 not, or are you going to at least consider, implementing a backend option so everybody can set the pop up modal window to their own specification AS OPPOSED to hacking core files?

This way every user for ever wont need to override anything/hack core files. I have said it 8 times now, there is no possible reason for not doing. If your too busy and its zero on your list, fine, then just say so.

Svein keeps saying its not a bug. K2 have already responded to me in a much earlier thread saying it was and they've fixed it; (quote)
reply by Simon Wells (K2 Support) on May 11, 2010 at 7:21pm
This is a known bug.
I have tested and reported this, it is fixed and working in the V2.3svn (beta only)

K2 Support

, which one is it? either it is or is not (i note this point keeps being ignored by Svein)

And William suggests we should change our learning styles. We are all here to learn, hence us asking the questions, hence us having forum posts, But a student learns nothing from a poor teacher.

Is this honestly how you feel your users should be treated?

Lefteris Kavadas said:Why do you have to do all these customizations again? You should do the modifications in your template overrides ( in the Joomla! template folder). This way you shouldn' have any problems after upgrading. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris, Thank you for your response, I am struggling to see how the point is not being taken on board; I/we know, that the fields CAN be overwritten I/we KNOW the files can be modified, I/we KNOW that there are many customizations that can be done, all of these things, we KNOW and are well aware of.
******HERE IS THE POINT****************;
when we upgrade to a new version of K2, we have to do all these customizations again. WHY? why can't k2 incorporate a simple backend size option, instead of the 12 files x 4 sites I have to do every-time? , if I haven't made myself clear enough, I am not asking if it is possible to change the modal window size, I am asking why K2 wont incorporate this with a change-log? please re-read my previous post about the damage this WILL have to prospective customers. Am i to assume then a bug can only be a bug if you decide it is? whats the point of having a bug report system? What would be nice if somebody, just one person from K2 would spend half as much effort in to addressing this issue instead of telling us there's no problem.
Lefteris Kavadas said:First of all the window size values are on template files which means that they can be overwritten. We put there some default values. So when a user has such issues he can increase his screen resolution. Alternatively you can override the template files and set whatever dimension you like. I still cannot get where the bug is. Jasper Newton said:Hi Svein, I apologize if my post (s) have in anyway appeared directed at yourself, my frustration gets the better of me. My frustration/disbelief is with K2 As I have explained before, this annoyance s a bug. it is a bug because K2 say its a bug, who am I to argue? My sites are running Joomla 1.5.18 and now K2 2.4.1. However this has been an issue since K2 was released, across all versions. Here is the problem;
The modal window pops up too large so you cannot see the top and bottom of it WITH or WITHOUT a scroll-bar. I am using K2 store plugin, and you cannot see the price field (a Massive problem on a shopping site)!!!!!! but also this a problem on all my sites. Secondly If you can actually get to see the save and cancel buttons,the save button, whilst saving the item, doesn't close the window.
It does say item saved, but guess what, you cant see that because the modal window is too big, now as somebody mentioned on here (sorry forgot who) we know that its saved, we know we don't have to worry because we know it s a bug, plus we can back end it. It is a potentially paying customer who will not only leave my site, but could damage my future business with bad reports and ratings, all because of a nonsense problem to which a solution has been found. I am so passionate about this because I care about my customers experience with my company.
the front end user will struggle to a point where they give it up, hence why I and others do see it as a massive problem. More so when we have provided the solution, there is absolutely no excuse for it not to be done.

All my user permissions and category setups have been done.It is therefore a fault for the end user. The user would see this as a bug and go elsewhere.

Here's what Ive done to help resolve the situation;

1) found the solution
2) contacted K2 twice
3) contacted joomlaworks on 3 occasions
4) brought it to k2 supports attention
5) started this thread off to further highlight the problem
6) posted a blog on the front page to highlight this problem

Here's what k2 have done;

I have to say I am so very grateful of the time you have so far spent trying to help.


Svein Wisnaes said:Good start as a report, but need some more info: Website URL Joomla version Template you are using (and version) Browser you use to view your site Operating system running on your computer I have added my findings to the report. Let's see what happens. BTW - the link you provided here is wrong. The correct link is:

If you are quick, you might be able to edit it :-)

Here is something important:

I want to come back to the problem with the window size. Can you provide the info I asked about in the last post? I would like to get to the bottom of this problem as I do not get the it on my own computer.

JoomlaWorks Support Team
Please search the forum before posting a new topic :)

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  • Jasper Newton
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14 years 4 months ago #87242 by Jasper Newton
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 Add new item window resize
And that ladies and gentleman is K2 for you. That is there attitude laid out for all to see. Never in my life will I shell my hard earned money out for people like that.

There is a very good reason K2 is open source, there is a very good reason why they could never sell it. There is a reason why they don't work for Microsoft/Google/steam.

I have to admit, even i didn't think k2 would lower themselves to that level "yeah we'd help but you called us names"


Lefteris Kavadas said:Hi. OK lets get things cleared. For users of K2 who wish to change the default size can modify the code in the template overrides so an update will not be a problem. This is how all Joomla! 1.5 extensions work so this rule should apply to all extensions you are using. Your instructions on this were great but they have to be applied in the template files. Now for your customers you have to take care about the product you sell to them. This cannot be accepted as a bug. It is a feature request. K2 owes it's success to it's vibrant community. We always like to hear what people have to say and suggest. We like to implement these requests making their lives easier. Unfortunately this request will be rejected. At least for now. The reason for this is that some of you have been arrogant and rude and with no respect about our work. And since you have such a company you could implement this feature and then commit it back. This is how open source communities work. Thanks. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris. The product (s) we will be hopefully selling are; Domain names, Websites, training packages, Tutorials and any kind of website, be it from social networking, e-commerce, finance, real estate. This is where the problem that I cant seem to get anybody to understand comes in.

Its all well and good me "knowing all the tools" and learning how to override the template. When I sell that complete package to the end user, They, like Svein, may have different requirements for the size of the modal window, according to their resolution and operating system (I note he is using Linux, I'm on windows,so proof of that is within this thread). Then they will contact me and ask how they can alter it, If I say, "ah well, the thing've got to do a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l, and then re-do it every time there's an update, OR I could go through template overrides with you.?" There response will be "behave mate, ill go elsewhere". Damaging my business.

The simple solution here is to have a back end option, like a text field to enter your own size for the window. This would get rid of all of this nonsense.

Suggestions have been made in this thread that I'm some how not grateful for all k2 has done. In my first response to Christian I stated id be lost without K2, and it is a superb component, you should be proud of what you've achieved. All I'm trying so hard to do is resolve a simple problem for a lot of people. This is constructive feedback which helps any company grow and evolve should never be seen as criticism.

When an user of mine contacts my company with a fault, ill do all I can to help. I think you can learn something from that.


Lefteris Kavadas said:Please tell me something, what exactly are you going to sell to your customers? In case you are talking about a website you will sell them also the site template which contains the overrides. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris Please, I emplore you to re-read this thread. I have to re do the customizations because k2 update overwrote them all, then again in 2.4.1. I back the sites up every day without fail but they are pointless if K2 is going to overwrite the files. Template Overrides will not solve the problem that we are all experiencing. I can override the template, but say i then sell the product to a customer, the override wouldn't work for them, All that will do is stop ME and ME alone from having to keep updating. What would be nice is instead of keep being asked what I might be doing wrong, for K2 to say "this is a problem everyone is experiencing, well fix it"

Please answer me this one question; why have K2 not, or are you going to at least consider, implementing a backend option so everybody can set the pop up modal window to their own specification AS OPPOSED to hacking core files?

This way every user for ever wont need to override anything/hack core files. I have said it 8 times now, there is no possible reason for not doing. If your too busy and its zero on your list, fine, then just say so.

Svein keeps saying its not a bug. K2 have already responded to me in a much earlier thread saying it was and they've fixed it; (quote)
reply by Simon Wells (K2 Support) on May 11, 2010 at 7:21pm
This is a known bug.
I have tested and reported this, it is fixed and working in the V2.3svn (beta only)

K2 Support

, which one is it? either it is or is not (i note this point keeps being ignored by Svein)

And William suggests we should change our learning styles. We are all here to learn, hence us asking the questions, hence us having forum posts, But a student learns nothing from a poor teacher.

Is this honestly how you feel your users should be treated?

Lefteris Kavadas said:Why do you have to do all these customizations again? You should do the modifications in your template overrides ( in the Joomla! template folder). This way you shouldn' have any problems after upgrading. Jasper Newton said:Dear Lefteris, Thank you for your response, I am struggling to see how the point is not being taken on board; I/we know, that the fields CAN be overwritten I/we KNOW the files can be modified, I/we KNOW that there are many customizations that can be done, all of these things, we KNOW and are well aware of. ******HERE IS THE POINT****************; when we upgrade to a new version of K2, we have to do all these customizations again. WHY? why can't k2 incorporate a simple backend size option, instead of the 12 files x 4 sites I have to do every-time? , if I haven't made myself clear enough, I am not asking if it is possible to change the modal window size, I am asking why K2 wont incorporate this with a change-log? please re-read my previous post about the damage this WILL have to prospective customers. Am i to assume then a bug can only be a bug if you decide it is? whats the point of having a bug report system? What would be nice if somebody, just one person from K2 would spend half as much effort in to addressing this issue instead of telling us there's no problem.
Lefteris Kavadas said:First of all the window size values are on template files which means that they can be overwritten. We put there some default values. So when a user has such issues he can increase his screen resolution. Alternatively you can override the template files and set whatever dimension you like. I still cannot get where the bug is. Jasper Newton said:Hi Svein, I apologize if my post (s) have in anyway appeared directed at yourself, my frustration gets the better of me. My frustration/disbelief is with K2 As I have explained before, this annoyance s a bug. it is a bug because K2 say its a bug, who am I to argue? My sites are running Joomla 1.5.18 and now K2 2.4.1. However this has been an issue since K2 was released, across all versions. Here is the problem; The modal window pops up too large so you cannot see the top and bottom of it WITH or WITHOUT a scroll-bar. I am using K2 store plugin, and you cannot see the price field (a Massive problem on a shopping site)!!!!!! but also this a problem on all my sites. Secondly If you can actually get to see the save and cancel buttons,the save button, whilst saving the item, doesn't close the window. It does say item saved, but guess what, you cant see that because the modal window is too big, now as somebody mentioned on here (sorry forgot who) we know that its saved, we know we don't have to worry because we know it s a bug, plus we can back end it. It is a potentially paying customer who will not only leave my site, but could damage my future business with bad reports and ratings, all because of a nonsense problem to which a solution has been found. I am so passionate about this because I care about my customers experience with my company.
the front end user will struggle to a point where they give it up, hence why I and others do see it as a massive problem. More so when we have provided the solution, there is absolutely no excuse for it not to be done.

All my user permissions and category setups have been done.It is therefore a fault for the end user. The user would see this as a bug and go elsewhere.

Here's what Ive done to help resolve the situation;

1) found the solution
2) contacted K2 twice
3) contacted joomlaworks on 3 occasions
4) brought it to k2 supports attention
5) started this thread off to further highlight the problem
6) posted a blog on the front page to highlight this problem

Here's what k2 have done;

I have to say I am so very grateful of the time you have so far spent trying to help.


Svein Wisnaes said:Good start as a report, but need some more info: Website URL Joomla version Template you are using (and version) Browser you use to view your site Operating system running on your computer I have added my findings to the report. Let's see what happens. BTW - the link you provided here is wrong. The correct link is: If you are quick, you might be able to edit it :-)

Here is something important:

I want to come back to the problem with the window size. Can you provide the info I asked about in the last post? I would like to get to the bottom of this problem as I do not get the it on my own computer.

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14 years 4 months ago #87243 by Carlos Salas
Replied by Carlos Salas on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Hello everyone!

Maybe you guys can guide me.
I have 2 questions.

1. What Jasper wrote here can be used in K2 v2.4.1?
2. Is it possible that this could be adapted to a popup window with jquery, javascript, etc?

Thank you!

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  • Christian Matthieas
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14 years 4 months ago #87244 by Christian Matthieas
Replied by Christian Matthieas on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Carlos Salas said:Hello everyone!Maybe you guys can guide me.I have 2 questions.1. What Jasper wrote here can be used in K2 v2.4.1?2. Is it possible that this could be adapted to a popup window with jquery, javascript, etc?Thank you!Greets.

Yes this works for 2.4.1

for the second question I could not answer. A person from K2 probably won't be on here to tell you though. don't hold your breath.

Morning Jasper. the fight goes on.

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  • Jasper Newton
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14 years 4 months ago #87245 by Jasper Newton
Replied by Jasper Newton on topic K2 Add new item window resize
Hmmm. yes.
Hi Christian, Carlos,
The "fix" seems to work for at least 2.3,2.4,2.4.1 (not sure about early versions, should do tho.)
The simple "SIMPLE" solution would be a backend "auto" frame height to suit every bodies screen resolutions. you've read, K2 won't do that because we dared to question their supreme beings. Maybe professionalism shall prevail and they will swallow their pride and adopt it, funny thing is I don't want any thanks from them (they don't even have to acknowledge me, just adopt it), I just want to help others, and hopefully, I have.

K2 have, as you have seen, rejected this "for now" because we were nasty to them and disrespected their work, even though I praised them twice. Maybe their is hope for the future..........................................

Christian Matthieas said:
Carlos Salas said:Hello everyone!Maybe you guys can guide me.I have 2 questions.1. What Jasper wrote here can be used in K2 v2.4.1?2. Is it possible that this could be adapted to a popup window with jquery, javascript, etc?Thank you!Greets.

Yes this works for 2.4.1

for the second question I could not answer. A person from K2 probably won't be on here to tell you though. don't hold your breath.

Morning Jasper. the fight goes on.

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  • Christian Matthieas
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14 years 4 months ago #87246 by Christian Matthieas
Replied by Christian Matthieas on topic K2 Add new item window resize
I saw someone posted code that gave an autoframe height... has anyone checked to see if that works? I didn't use it because the person just gave out code without saying what to replace.

Jasper Newton said:Hmmm. yes.Hi Christian, Carlos,The "fix" seems to work for at least 2.3,2.4,2.4.1 (not sure about early versions, should do tho.)The simple "SIMPLE" solution would be a backend "auto" frame height to suit every bodies screen you've read, K2 won't do that because we dared to question their supreme beings. Maybe professionalism shall prevail and they will swallow their pride and adopt it, funny thing is I don't want any thanks from them (they don't even have to acknowledge me, just adopt it), I just want to help others, and hopefully, I have.K2 have, as you have seen, rejected this "for now" because we were nasty to them and disrespected their work, even though I praised them twice. Maybe their is hope for the future..........................................Christian Matthieas said:Carlos Salas said:Hello everyone!Maybe you guys can guide me.I have 2 questions.1. What Jasper wrote here can be used in K2 v2.4.1?2. Is it possible that this could be adapted to a popup window with jquery, javascript, etc?Thank you!Greets.

Yes this works for 2.4.1for the second question I could not answer. A person from K2 probably won't be on here to tell you though. don't hold your breath.Morning Jasper. the fight goes on.

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